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Suggestion to make activity highter

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  • Suggestion to make activity highter

    Yesterday I was thinking about this, dunno or someone else sugges this ever.

    I am on a few other sites were I download Music, Videos etc.
    On these forums you need to reply to a thread before you can download or see the link etc to download it.

    I think this will make the activity alot higher in some forum parts, for example to Remix section. It looks like alot people leech the album and dont post any feedback or thanx etc in the topics.

    Same with the download sections.

    Some topics in this sections have alot views, but only 1 reply. That need to change I think

    Just an idea, I think this will works very well for some parts of the forum to improve the activity.

  • #2
    Ive thought about that before. I was on a forum where I leeched music from and they had this system..Id say its better to have it the way we have it right now instead of just a thread with like 9 pages deep of just "Propz" "Thankz" "Thx" "Re up Plz" ect... Just what I think though..


    • #3
      but alot people dont even use the thanx button etc. And for example people that make mixes its very nice to have some feedback etc.

      Maybe you can make the activity in these sections higher with this.

      Maybe you should make it, that people can only see a download when they see thanks with the thank button? maybe something like that.

      Its only to stop the leeching. People downloading things without even saying thanks lol. So you can stop people that never post on the site leech everything.


      • #4
        Your basically talking about a hide code or button so when you post the relevant info, it's hidden until you reply or say thanks! I think it's a good idea personally.

        Nice idea [MENTION=856]LarsVerb


        • #5
          whatever u guys decide to do, keep it simple.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tecca Nina View Post
            whatever u guys decide to do, keep it simple.
            This is so simple. People only need to reply or thanks in a topic.

            Even a retard can do that


            • #7
              i found this mod which is similar but am unable to find the one for hiding the whole first post. I know i have seen it on various other sites.

              if anyone has a link to the software or where it's located, let me know and I will try it out


              • #8
                i dont like it cuz then what ruckus said will happen..i know bcuz i leech off this other forum in which i have 50 posts of nothing but "thanks" or "props for the link"..
                Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


                • #9
                  I think its nice to not be forced to reply or hit the thanks button to see a download link. Why? Because the way it is now, the ones that hit thanks or reply actually mean it, it shows who really appreciates shit, otherwise everyone will hit thanks but how many actually meant it you know


                  • #10
                    ^ yeah I agree with that.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by endofdayz View Post
                      I think its nice to not be forced to reply or hit the thanks button to see a download link. Why? Because the way it is now, the ones that hit thanks or reply actually mean it, it shows who really appreciates shit, otherwise everyone will hit thanks but how many actually meant it you know
                      well said!!
                      "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson


                      • #12
                        [MENTION=244]endofdayz is right. Leeches will say thanks, dl it and dissapear. We don't need it. I believe most of us don't give a damn about them. They will be like that even if they has to say thanks. Just my opinion...
                        2PAC-FORUM.COM REFERENCE SECTION


                        • #13
                          i discussed it with the staff and we decided against this mod as it wouldnt really increase activity. it would just makes threads full of "thanks"


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