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How About a Writing Team?

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  • How About a Writing Team?

    I Was just wonderin If anyone thought we as a Site Should write our own article's on Pac Like the latest news about Him etc, Thoughts?

  • #2
    how and what sort of thing are you planning to do that for, don't quite understand your idea bro...?

    All latest news filters through other sites or places as they get told by the original sources in contact with what's going on, we get it sorta 2nd hand.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Draven View Post
      how and what sort of thing are you planning to do that for, don't quite understand your idea bro...?

      All latest news filters through other sites or places as they get told by the original sources in contact with what's going on, we get it sorta 2nd hand.
      I Mean We Write Our Own Articles.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Makaveli5458 View Post
        I Mean We Write Our Own Articles.
        How, and about what. What news would you know about to write an article...

        im still confused, its seeming like you have a crystal ball and would write about stuff not happened yet..?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Draven View Post
          How, and about what. What news would you know about to write an article...

          im still confused, its seeming like you have a crystal ball and would write about stuff not happened yet..?
          No We Can Search for the news and put our on spin on it or if a leak come's out we can write a review etc, I think it's a real cool idea.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Makaveli5458 View Post
            No We Can Search for the news and put our on spin on it or if a leak come's out we can write a review etc, I think it's a real cool idea.
            Oh no, don't be writing your own kind of articles. It's perfect getting the news how we do now...

            If you want to do reviews on anything tho new or old, feel free... that kinda thing is no problem at all. People have done some before on various things (Tracks and Projects) so if you want to review anything Pac related from your point of view please shove them in here:



            • #7
              I think he means something like reviews, drop weekly/monthly articles on in deep search 2Pac related stuff. It's a decent idea actually, I think he imagiens that a team would gather information from people on the site the net old articles etc and then write an article for everyone on the site which pretty much reviews, gives interesting details and other fotnotes that might be pretty much unknown from before.
              Winter Jamz download link:



              • #8
                The reviews section is above tho, i posted it. That is ready and waiting for anything he wants to write up

                Articles have their own section also:

                All he has to do if he wants to is find stuff and place them in the sections...


                • #9
                  i am a good writer .. but the idea needs to be more specific ..

                  so far it seems like nothing good can come from it ..


                  • #10
                    I think mean writing articles about 2pac, just like in magazines and stuff.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Draven View Post
                      The reviews section is above tho, i posted it. That is ready and waiting for anything he wants to write up

                      Articles have their own section also:

                      All he has to do if he wants to is find stuff and place them in the sections...
                      Yeah I know that, I've read your post before I made mine. What I wanted to say was pretty much what Lars said. Pretty much like the articles and reviews section yeah, but it would be done by a legit team who really puts some effort in it, in an organized manner.
                      Winter Jamz download link:



                      • #12
                        Just don't see how its anything different to what we have and can all find online, you would be taking other peoples articles and just re-writing them yourself...?

                        To me it seems to like writing bits for a magazine for a youth club like i used to read years ago, but that was when we where kids. All the info we want and need is online now at the touch of a button, seems like a waste of time and effort for something we can all find... the reviews is the only good part I PERSONALLY can see in it


                        • #13
                          if someone wants to write something.... then by all means.. go for it.. see what you can do... if it turns out to be something different from our review section we already have then maybe we can make something of it...


                          • #14
                            [MENTION=6944]Makaveli5458 u mean writing a blog? There is a blog section on the site if u want to do that. A video blog or vlog would be a cool idea, like those youtube videos haha


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