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Gobi Footage Thread

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  • Gobi Footage Thread

    Hey everyone Ive noticed that we have a new thread for every time Gobi uploads new clips to his 7 Dayz Movie channel. I agree that we should share this footage as some people may not check YouTube or subscribe.

    But the issue is a new thread for each of these clips kind of adds clutter. Some cases the sane thread is crested twice. Maybe we can have a sticky thread just for his footage clips? I'm sure there will be more and more dropping over the next few months up to the end if the kickstarter project.

    We could make the thread a sticky and after the footage stops we could unsticky it or something? Maybe we could have a mod just consolidate the existing threads and comments for the already created threads into a new one?

    We could post all clips into the first post and maybe have the following posted dedicated to be edited to add additional video clips. I believe with pics you can get 10 in a post. So 2 should be more than enough but hopefully there's more to come!

    Then of course people can add the video to the thread as they come and the thread starter or a mod can add the videos to page one accordingly.

    Good idea?

  • #2
    dunno, i think every clip deserves an own thread. A big thread make it more cluttered maybe.

    I think its good the way it is now. It keeps the discussion active.


    • #3
      I agree with [MENTION=856]L-Booma


      • #4
        Yea separate is kinda better cause people check out a new thread quicker i find then an existing thread with videos that just pile up inside.


        • #5
          Gobi Footage Thread

          Alright that's cool too. But if the thread is organized as I mentioned then its not cluttered and the discussion would go with the flow as they release.

          Like clip 1 would be posted and discussed. Then clip 2 would be posted after clip 1 is discussed then clip 2 is discussed and also the 2nd clip is added to the original 1st post on page 1 containing all clips in order of release.

          If someone missed one they're all organized in the thread in order he released them. I don't see how that's more cluttered than multiple threads and sometimes the same thread posted twice. But hey majority rules lol.

          Ill just shut up and keep transcribing interviews lol


          • #6
            another option is:

            I close this thread and a mod can add each new video to this thread, so we will have a thread for each new clip + this thread only for clips to have it organized
            My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
            Vinyls: 60
            Cassettes: 110
            CDs: 216


            • #7
              Originally posted by Exodus View Post
              another option is:

              I close this thread and a mod can add each new video to this thread, so we will have a thread for each new clip + this thread only for clips to have it organized
              That's a cool option!
              Hey Nas, remember that shit you said?
              I don't know what magazine you said, soome shit how I wasn’t
              Nobody saying thugs till well whatever, whatever, whatever.
              Nigga you better really go to a record store go check out some of your albums you been putting out motherfucka
              We be doing this thug shit for awhile now
              I know you been listening cause you been biting this shit
              So uh, recognize and realize, before your ass get rolled on


              • #8
                Gobi Footage Thread

                Originally posted by Exodus View Post
                another option is:

                I close this thread and a mod can add each new video to this thread, so we will have a thread for each new clip + this thread only for clips to have it organized
                If you close the thread can you copy and paste the comments (if any) to the other thread? Or will it just be 2 same threads one locked one open?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MCNewYork71 View Post
                  If you close the thread can you copy and paste the comments (if any) to the other thread? Or will it just be 2 same threads one locked one open?
                  this thread for clips only (closed thread) so only mod can add new leaked clips to this thread

                  + new threads for each new clip
                  My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
                  Vinyls: 60
                  Cassettes: 110
                  CDs: 216


                  • #10
                    Gobi Footage Thread

                    That's not a bad a bad idea. A sticky closed thread that mods add the new clips to and a thread for each to discuss? Sounds legit. [MENTION=458]Exodus


                    • #11
                      ok, we will open such a thread
                      so closed
                      My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
                      Vinyls: 60
                      Cassettes: 110
                      CDs: 216


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