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    2pac will NEVER be an over rated rapper. He had his problems in his career; just like a normal person did. But because of him being boosted up to super stardom with his controversial lyrics and songs like; Brenda’s Got A Baby, Keep Ya Head Up, I Don’t Give A Fuck, Changes, 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted, Definiton of A Thug Nigga, Resist The Temptation, etc..they blew him up on radio stations and Tv Shows. But Pac was and will forever be the greatest lyrical MC to grace the mic; even 30 yrs from now, people will be bumpin’ 2pac in their cars or mentionin’ his name. And they’ll be bringin’ back his documentaries on television just like they SHOULD be doing now. I can’t believe it’s been 12 yrs. since we lost one of the best. People always was so quick to call 2pac out; and mainly those were the people who didn’t understand his music, his lyrics, and sinply him. 2pac changed the game for many of these rappers who has came along and tried to “pioneer” their ways through the ever changing music industry.

    Honestly if it wasn’t for a real nigga like 2pac who reached people from the U.S. to the U.K. we wouldn’t have people that can really speak on it like: The Game, and Gorrila Black, and Fat Joe. They wouldn’t be as popular as they are. T.I. neither. 2pac was most of these rappers’ musical influence; if u here when T.I. speaks about him, Lil Wayne, The Game, 50 Cent as well. Fat Joe. 2pac was talented, and he painted a picture of real life and the struggle that mainly us black people were facing and dealing with back then. And even now. I mean if u listen to his song “Changes” he had a part where he says: “We ain’t ready to see a Black President, it ain’t a secret I’m concealin’ the fact, the penetentiary is packed, and it’s filled with blacks.” And look what happened now; Obama is runnin’ for President and he’s a black man. Somebody already tried to kill him. 2pac wrote that back in the 90’s, and a 12 yr. premoniton came to life. All these new artists are the most over rated. NOT 2pac, I can’t believe his name nor Biggie’s name would even come out of their mouths as bein’ “over rated.” I believe Lil Wayne is over rated, his “A Milli” track really made no sense to me, Plies is over rated. Soulja Boy most definitely, he has no concept in his songs. All he does is create these weird new dances, and just repeats that “Crank Dat” element he did a year or so ago.

    2pac had unconditional love from people all over the United States and in places like; Africa, Switzerland, Australia..I mean crazy love. And I think personally for Lil Wayne to come out and say he’s the “Greatest Rapper or Best Rapper Alive, ” is the most conceited comment he could make to this day. He can flow half the time, but his words or metaphors could never touch 2pac. I believe if 2pac was alive[R.I.P] he could show these “Rappers” how it’s really done. And whatever magazine put that 2pac was “over rated” are just attention wanting journalists. Pac has been gone since 1996, and they just now ready to put this shit out about him being “over rated?” I mean what does that tell you right there. They diggin up past events to make him seem over rated, when he was just a strong, intelligent, black man in the struggle wit us. And his legacy will always live on. No matter how many rappers claim they are “The Greatest or The Best” they can never out beat 2pac. No matter how hard they try to be real, or how hard they try to tell stories from their hoods or backgrounds, 2pac will always be the immortal untouched deceased lyricist of all time. Hands down. And for people to wanna dig up old shit and put out on him like that shows how much respect they have for him being deceased, and how much hard work he put into his music. And I’m only 15 yrs. old, but I grew up on 2pac…” I Ain’t Mad At Cha, How Do U Want It, So Many Tears” those were the jams!! Ya know every artist out there has a hater; but it seems like 2pac[and Biggie's] haters showed them selves in one of the illest ways they could; they gunned ‘em down. What 2pac did in his lifetime, even though it was short lived; can never be looked down on, can never be negatively embraced…because no doubt about it 2pac is hip hop.

    All the fans he had, all the people he touched, was something that was truly a once in a lifetime thing. Over rated?! 2pac?! naw, look at these new “rappers” like Wayne, Birdman, Mannie Fresh, Plies, Boosie, Hurricane Chris, Soulja Boy. They’re the over rated ones. Pac kept it real no doubt, and til the end of time there will never be anyone like him. Man just if he was alive today, he could speak his mind about that topic. I know that alotta his fans[because he still has alotta fans all around the world] they’re probably hurt, enraged, and shocked by such a comment. I believe that people who didn’t understand why Pac did what he did, said what he said, and acted how he acted; was just disbelievers in the whole hip hop movement, the whole genre in general. They didn’t understand where he was comin from; because they weren’t livin’ what will always be “Thug Life.” And it’s sad when u have somebody who spilled his heart and sweat into his tracks to be labeled as an “over rated artist.” Just like it was sad when news reporters and spokespersons were labeling him as “brutal, and controversial.” 2pac was just a young man trynna come up, but unfortunately he never made it past the great peak he had reached in his career, and he never got to finish carrying out his dream. Even though Pac still has unreleased material, the people who loved him and knew him the best would disagree with that whole “over rated” topic. The world misses him just like they miss; the beautiful Aaliyah, our girl Lisa “Left eye” Lopes, Big L, Big Pun, Biggie, Jam Master Jay, etc.

    So I believe people need to stop trying to make 2pac’s name into something negative and just throw that subject into the trash. 2pac is the best. Will always be, he may not be here, but he will NOT be forgotten. And Lil Wayne needs to stop coming out with conceited comments about his self. He hasn’t lived up to be the best, first he was sayin’ he’s better than Jay Z, now he’s trynna swagger, and lyric jack 2pac. Nah, he needs his own style adjustment. I think he’s gonna be the most over rated rapper in the history of rappers! lol, real talk.
    They need to put 2pac outta their minds, and let this mic burnin, entrepeneur rest in peace.
    I tell ya people sure are a trip.
    REST IN PEACE , PAC 1971-1996. We love Ya and miss you.

    Let me tell ya, PAC was the realest rapper/activist/artist to ever touch the music scene out there..hands fukin down!! Some of you all can argue to your blue in the face…but you know, listen to what he wrote…that shit was like gunfire when he would put all those words together like that. That man was for real! And no im not one of the pac heads that listened to “changes” when his GH album hit and all the sudden was a fan. But i cant blame em for being a fan when the song came out..(for a pop beat, he still made it real…Even with a bruce hornsby beat..haha) Cali love, dear mama, so many tears, brendas got a baby, keep ya head up,…..those were pop/rap related you could say (for radios to play), especially compared to the other tracks he recorded..but even with the pop/rap tracks…he put the streets, love, passion, storys of his personal demons, police brutality, black panthers, crack, homelessness and mixed every one of them and still put whats real out there. He was full of raw emotion…a revolutionary in some aspect. He wanted changes and he diagnosed it…”even with pop related material”.
    Now when the radios played his other tracks…like hit em up…oh damn, he still sold hot shit, and hit those emotions that got everyone scared of a west coast/east coast rivalry. He even got heavy hitters biting his style when the “supposed war” was happening….dont make me give examples..If you was there in ‘95 to ‘96, you should know. Now who in the fukin rap game now and since then has had the power to put emotions into rap and change it like pac did? 50? hell no, hes to busy sellin viatmin water
    and being sweaky clean….lil wayne? lol, im not commenting on that, should be self explanitory, souljah boy…with that name..(also self explanitory).

    Point is pac related to us all….young, poor, rich, rebelious, women, old, black, white, growing up without a father, on welfare, homeless, changes, gov, murder, crack, drinking..list goes on in his music (all of use feel what he wrote at some point in our lives) He was down for us. He wasnt out there being real when he came (claiming 9 bullets) then go and help sell vitamin water or being someone he wasnt, he was being real with us in his music…he let us see what was really going on in the world when everyone else closed their eyes to it. He lived the real and he died being real. He was a true human being…Is he overrated? Not even close…if anything, he is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy underrated.
    Last edited by Fatal-N-Felony; 12-14-2009, 09:54 AM. Reason: Merged and spaced to make it 'some what' easier to read

  • #2
    holy shit did u just type this whole thing right now or do you copy and paste this on every forum lol

    pretty strange for your first post
    / Certified Music Critic


    • #3

      Originally posted by Fatal-N-Felony View Post
      holy shit did u just type this whole thing right now or do you copy and paste this on every forum lol

      pretty strange for your first post


      • #4
        Originally posted by killadream View Post
        So I believe people need to stop trying to make 2pac’s name into something negative and just throw that subject into the trash. 2pac is the best.
        I feel you but you're on a Tupac forum, doubt anybody said anything so negative about him for you to type this whole wall-of-text.
        Last edited by 429; 12-14-2009, 09:35 AM.


        • #5
          haha well welcome to the site, playa from australia
          Last edited by Fatal-N-Felony; 12-14-2009, 09:36 AM.
          THE REMIX KING
          / Certified Music Critic


          • #6

            Originally posted by Kaozz View Post
            I feel you but you're on a Tupac, doubt anybody said anything so negative about him for you to type this whole wall-of-text.
            yeah but sorry guyz for all that, im not here to flood the pages with crap, this is just my introduction and my respect to a fallen soul that has helped me see the hurt in this world from what he left behind as a legacy...
            oh shit
            peace before i ramble on


            • #7
              thanks for tha fix up


              • #8
                a whole essay to express your feelings over 2Pac is good , but the title of this thread is misleading.


                • #9
                  welcome to the forum.

                  i just dont understand one thing, u tell us u are 15 but then
                  .If you was there in ‘95 to ‘96, you should know.
                  so how do u know?

                  have fun and feel welcome


                  • #10
                    nice first few posts, welcome to the site and enjoy
                    As far as anybody in the rap game ever tryin' to assassinate my character, that's impossible. You talkin' about a man who has always walked the walk and talked the talk.


                    • #11
                      Hey killadream, welcome 2 the forum - enjoy it and stay active


                      • #12
                        Good intro, welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay..


                        • #13
                          welcome on board and enjoy your stay
                          My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
                          Vinyls: 60
                          Cassettes: 110
                          CDs: 216


                          • #14
                            nice intro man!

                            welcome to the forum!

                            see you around!


                            • #15
                              welcome to the site killadream


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