welcome aboard! for a start you can view our "polls" thread, here you can comment and vote on your favorite versions of songs: http://www.2pac-forum.com/forumdisplay.php/154-Polls you can also view some of our awesome 2Pac collections here in the "Collectors" thread: http://www.2pac-forum.com/forumdispl...348-Collectors feel free to start your own collection thread too! we would love to see new items from collectors! since you are new to the site feel free to ask any questions about any Tupac song here in this thread: http://www.2pac-forum.com/showthread...ac-Song-Thread then if you are like me you will like to have the lyrics to some of your favorite songs, we've had members working hard to keep our lyrics better than the average google search, so you can find them all properly organized here: http://www.2pac-forum.com/forumdispl...11-2Pac-Lyrics
welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay at your new home! Oh, and stay active
welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay at your new home! Oh, and stay active