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    Me llamo Misha. Hello My name is Mike. Im a 26 year old Native Meso American/ American Citezen. Im probably mixed with some spanish on my fathers side of the family but not enough to pride myself with having it. I reject any european blood (if any) that run through my veins. On my mothers side, its pure "indian" blood or native blood. Please do not think I am racist or have a view of superiority of myself and a minority view of any other race. I love all people who love themselves. I make music as a hobby which you can listen to at I come from a people who sought refuge from the inquisitors of europe, the spanish and english who believe they conquered us. They caused our ancestors too much pain, which seems to not be heard of anywhere around the world. It seems forgotten for some reason. And when we do speak up or demand our God given rights, its seems we get attacked. I honestly feel that im a victim of that attack, just as they did to Pac. Many believe the Media about the East Coast West Coast rivalry, Death Row situation with its criminal enterprise, the numourus scandals that Pac went through in his begging stages of fame, and basically all the negativity they portriad about him. Some even believe when the media say that some hoodlums or gangsters shot pac when he got robbed in N.Y. Even Pac went off to blame some of his closest businees partners and homies. I dont blame him for this because the criminal orginisation who carried out Tupac's hit is a stealthy and proffesional orginization with unlimited amounts of fortune. Pac was a very intelligent being and outsmarted his Assasins with the little fortune that he had. But what he used more of was his brain and common sense. The truth is, none of the elements metioned had enough motive to kill this man besides the Government in the society in which Pac resided. It was inconvenient for them to have this political figure recruiting all these kids who are now or soon will be, the leaders of the world to oppose them. His death was not a normal killing, He was assassinated. I dont fear death, and I will die fighting for what i believe and I will speak whats in my heart no matter who im talking to. I can say that if I was given the chance to meet the Pope, i would look him in the eyes and Call him Satan. Or tell him how disgusted i feel about him for all the bloody murders his regime is responsible for and that one day, WE THE PEOPLE of the WORLD will no longer support his acts of terror around the world. We will one day find out the TRUTH of the origins of the Bible and the purpose of it being forced to the NEW WORLD or the Americas. Why was it so important to kill a man who dared to have a copy of the bible at home in past years? How come kids were sloughtered if they did not "believe"? Why is it that Jesus Christ has been given the role of God? And when we talk about the bible do we even understand what its telling us or is it a tool that is used to purposely confuse us? God talks to us evey day but never in a way where we do not understand his message. It makes no sense when you really think about it. When you understand the way everything, and I mean Everything, works; you start to trip out and asks questions. And that is what they dont want. They dont want anymore questions to answer because they dont have the answers for the questions. We have come to a cycle of understanding and overall "enlightment" With the numerous ways of communication in the workd today, we are able to cut time and space to get information in which we did not previously have. Therefore the truth is being noticed faster than they ever thought possible. Nothing can stop the final outcome in which we will be vicotorious, but we can change the way in which we recieve that victory.

  • #2
    welcome to the site. has to be the longest intro ever. enjoy ur stay
    "Originally Posted by @thuggincold"
    maybe pac wouldve been a porn director and fuck all those hot girls from porn along wit the outlawz shit maybe a featured of snoop gangbangin a girl wit pac


    • #3
      I'll read your introduction later, better a long introduction than only a few words

      Anyways... Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay


      • #4
        Nice intro hope you enjoy the site and try and stay active!


        • #5
          Welcome and enjoy!


          • #6
            Nice introduction mayne ... really great to have u here with us ... make sure u join in the discussions and stay active ...

            again and i hope to see u around..


            • #7
              welcome to the forum!!!


              • #8
                welcome. enjoy your stay here


                • #9
                  We know everything about you now Welcome and stay active, share your opinions and heave fun
                  You got to deal with me on a whole new level


                  • #10
                    Welcome dude!


                    • #11
                      that's an introduction, welcome here !


                      • #12
                        hey and on this great site. See ya around.
                        2PAC-FORUM.COM REFERENCE SECTION


                        • #13
                          welcome to the site homie


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