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@Mentions mod added to the site

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  • @Mentions mod added to the site

    I have added a new modification to the site. This mod allows you to use @ tags to mention members on the site when making a post/thread. I will demonstrate.

    This idea was brought to us as a suggestion by [MENTION=1348]ThaRealMasterC in this thread and I was able to find the mod thanks to [MENTION=369]Nikola.

    All I typed was the @ symbol and the username and the mod did the rest. It links to the users profile and adds to their "mentions". You can also use the mention button in the thread editor when making a post/thread

    To tag a thread with a mention, click the "tags" button above each thread, and then type the username of the member you are mentioning. Please see above where I tagged Nikola and RealMasterC on this thread. An example of a time when you are using this would be if someone requested something and you are making a thread directed at them. They will receive a notification of the mention. This is a great way to make someone aware of a thread that you think they should be aware of.

    Click the community drop down under the navigation bar tabs and choose User Tagging Statistics to see the top stats for members giving/receiving mentions and tags

    Props to RealMasterC for the idea and Nikola for finding the mod.

  • #2
    update to this, i just found out that when you quote someone, they get notified as well. This will be a great way to keep on top of threads you are participating in as you will be notified when you are quoted or someone makes a post directed at you


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