The Reference Versions is now yours to view and explore
This has been the #1 most wanted section by fans ever since we announced the first part of the Reference.
Thanks to the hard work and determination of these VIP Members:
[MENTION=458]Big Exodus
staff members [MENTION=933]2Lek, [MENTION=472]djukak, and [MENTION=1083]adoutlaw
and of course the never ending hard work and design skills of [MENTION=1184]Draven.
The Reference Versions has been brought to life in true 2Pac-Forum style. None of this broken links, half assed, randomly thrown together projects like other sites; this section is true and complete, well thought out, organized, and with server links/images that cannot die, just like the rest of the Reference.
In it you will find every version of every non-retail 2Pac song ever made. All laid our in perfect 2Pac-Forum Reference Section style. It details the following information on each track:
Track Length
Features Artists
Type (demo, OG, unreleased, remix)
Differences (between each of the versions of the song)
Track Source
Leak Source
Leak Year
let us know in here what you guys think of it
This has been the #1 most wanted section by fans ever since we announced the first part of the Reference.
Thanks to the hard work and determination of these VIP Members:
[MENTION=458]Big Exodus
staff members [MENTION=933]2Lek, [MENTION=472]djukak, and [MENTION=1083]adoutlaw
and of course the never ending hard work and design skills of [MENTION=1184]Draven.
The Reference Versions has been brought to life in true 2Pac-Forum style. None of this broken links, half assed, randomly thrown together projects like other sites; this section is true and complete, well thought out, organized, and with server links/images that cannot die, just like the rest of the Reference.
In it you will find every version of every non-retail 2Pac song ever made. All laid our in perfect 2Pac-Forum Reference Section style. It details the following information on each track:
Track Length
Features Artists
Type (demo, OG, unreleased, remix)
Differences (between each of the versions of the song)
Track Source
Leak Source
Leak Year
let us know in here what you guys think of it