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What are the most Effed up movies you ever saw?

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  • #31
    I found the full synopsis typed up of a Serbian Film. I changed my mind about watching it.

    Antichrist is pretty fucked up, saw that one recently. Oh and Martyrs like you listed in your first post - that is one fucked up film...

    umm... Last House on the Left the original & the remake are pretty fucked up films.

    the latest Saw in 3d is pretty gory, but not a particularly good film


    • #32
      Saw the new remake of 'I Spit On Your Grave' a couple of days ago. Damn it was heavy.


      • #33
        Yeah, saw Martyrs, but that Serbian movie was so sick, I almost couldn't watch it
        Sig here


        • #34
          Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox. All the Guinea Pig Series(i think there's 7 of them!). Faces of death, Traces of death. Nekromantik 1 & 2.... shit the list can go on and on! lol


          • #35
            I love the new version of I spit on your grave, just if it was longer with more torture scene it could be more better

            edit :what is guinea pig series ?


            • #36
              every police academy movie after part 1


              • #37
                Thanks, nice thread, have seen martrys thats a horrible movie, can't believe people actually enjoy watching the last scene, where she gets tortured over and over again, the thing with the skin looks very real though


                • #38
                  I've spent a good part of the past decade searching out the most vile films I could get my hands on... I was actually suprised to see others listing several of the films I suspected few others would have heard of let alone seen... With that said... my list of fucked up movies that will likely leaving you feel bad...

                  1. A Serbian Film. - There is NO topping this. Regardless of what you think you've seen or read, this movie will make you feel bad. It is an incredible film with fantastic acting, a great score, amazing cinematography, and the most mind fucking taboo breaking material ever put to film. Take the worst thing you've ever seen in your life and amplify it by 10 and I guarentee this will still top it. The Faces of Death is a Disney film compared to this. Not for the feint of heart, but one helluva movie. I can't in good faith recommend it to anyone, but if you're a sick sonuva bitch like me, OR you are a cinesta and just enjoy film for what it is and what it can make a person feel, then this film MIGHT be for you. (AVAILABLE ONLY OVER SEAS... AVAILABLE IN BLU RAY VIA United Kingdom)

                  2. Martyrs - Currently One of my favorite movies of all time (#2 to be precise). This movie was so mind blowing when I first saw it (and still is) that I haven't been able to stop talking about it for over a year. Another one not for the faint of heart, an incredible film with an outstanding ability to make you question your neighborhood and the very fabric of what you believe. Amazing film and highly recomended for anyone that doesn't mind subtitled movies with STRONG Violence and a plot that makes you think. (AVAILABLE ON BLU RAY (IMPORTED FROM CANADA)

                  3. Jack Ketchums: The Girl Next Door - By comparison, this film is tame compared to the first 2. However, what makes this film so sick is that it's essentially a retelling of an atual event that happened in the 1950s. Probably one of the most depressing films I have ever seen, and one that made me feel guilty after watching it, simply because of how bad I felt for the characters/people involved. Worth seeing once, but don't expect a good time. (AVAILABLE ON BLU RAY!)

                  BONUS CUT: Oldboy: Comparitivly speaking... this one isn't THAT fucked up. At least to me... though others will disagree. This is my #1 favorite film of all time. It's an AMAZING film that I have yet to meet anyone who didn't love it after seeing it for the first time after I recommended it to them... Check it out. I'm willing to bet money that you'll enjoy the film. It's classified as a Korean Crime Drama/Revenge flick... but it is so much more. HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY Recommended. (Available on Blu Ray!)

                  4. I Spit On Your Grave (Original) - Lets get one thing straight... 9 times out of 10, remakes are a joke. The remake of this is crap compared to the original. If you're going to watch this movie it HAS to be the original. Brutal movie full of more rape scenes then a years worth of Lifetime channel movies, this one can be painfull to watch. Condemned as an exploitation flick, lauded for it's vision of showing an empowered woman.. however you view the film, it's an experience thats sure to leave its mark. (AVAILABLE On Blu Ray)

                  5. Last House on The Left (Original) - The Original Wes Craven Shocker that was banned in several countries for years. This one doesn't disappoint. Unlike the shitty 2008 remake with a hollywood style ending, this film pushed boundries and good taste. Trully a film of it's time, this one is a fantastic film for those who enjoy grind house/1970's films. (On a side Note... During the filming of The final scene with the chainsaw, that was a live chainsaw... everyone was so fuckin crazy during the filming that they left the chain on the chainsaw and filmed it with a real machine. No hollywood props here.. only crazy ass people acting like their lives depended on it.) (Only on DVD at this time)

                  6. The Entity - Holy shit is this one weird. Another film based on true events, this movie is so crazy that injuries which occured in real life were duplicated 100% down to the t during the filming. (On accident of course). This movie was based on a case during the 1960's of a woman who claimed she was being raped by a supernatural force. The university of California (I think) investigated for several weeks. It's the #1 documented case of ghosts/supernatural activity, and to this day the things recorded cannot be explained. Just a weird movie all around. Watch it if you can find it, as it's been out of print now for several years.

                  7. Antichrist - This is a film that really divides people. Personally... I found it rather "meh?" Some people were so repulsed they walked out of the theatre, others got sick. Some people think it's just stupid and overly hyped. I fall in between. This is one weird film. That much is certain. However it's so weird that at times its hard to take it seriously. This and the entity are good places to start if you plan to go through my list of films. If you find this enjoyable, and slighlty entertaining, then we should hang out. ;P

                  Bonus Cuts:

                  -Nekromaniac - I haven't seen these films (But if you know where I can obtain them pm me) but from what I've read, this film is as farm from good taste as you can get. Check it out if you can find it. It's worth a pretty penny. (Out of Print)

                  -Irreversible - From every review I've ever read, this film has without a doubt the most brutal rape scene ever put to film. Currently I haven't seen it, but it seems high on the lists of people who check out exploitation films.

                  -Salo (or the 120 Days in Sodom) - Another I have yet to see, however from what I've heard, it pushes the taste of human decency.

                  Films that Aren't Fucked uP...

                  Lets be honest, everyone has a different level of what disturbs them, however the films I've listed above are in a class all there own. They will make anything else you've seen pale in comparison to what they have to offer. With that said, if you consider the following films fucked up, then the above films aren't for you.

                  -Natural Born Killers
                  -Hostel (1 or 2)
                  -Cabin Fever
                  -House of 1000 Corpses
                  -Devils Rejects
                  -Any of the Saw FIlms
                  -The Hills Have Eyes
                  -The Human Centepede
                  Last edited by Havok; 03-20-2011, 05:54 AM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Ruckus View Post
                    2 Girls 1 Cup...Yeah If that counts then thats the one....
                    While we're on the topic of internet videos... I take your 2 girls 1 cup, and I raise you 1 guy 1 jar.


                    • #40
                      Martyrs, and i liked it, not cuz imma a psycho but cuz of the girls, cant believe what they did to them, especially in the end.
                      Last edited by Vinnie P; 03-20-2011, 06:45 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MjjPac View Post
                        edit :what is guinea pig series ?


                        • #42
                          Have any of you ever seen "IT" With the clown? I saw that when I was little and I dont fuck with that..Fuck clowns...Omg im freaking out even thinking about this..


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Wolf View Post
                            Have any of you ever seen "IT" With the clown? I saw that when I was little and I dont fuck with that..Fuck clowns...Omg im freaking out even thinking about this..
                            Yeah, Pennywise the clown. i loved it from the first time i saw it as the 2 part tv series.
                            Warner Bros announced ages ago that they are remaking it, i reckon they will fuck it up as the original is perfect. Even John-Boy from the waltons was cool in this lol


                            • #44

                              this movie was insane


                              • #45
                                is it worse than " a Serbian movie " ?


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