Could a sequel to MacGruber be in the works?
The original film didn't do very well at the box office when it opened in 2010. It began life as an SNL sketch based on the old MacGyver TV series, only to morph into an unwanted movie version, only to morph again into a hilarious must-see film… but that must-see aspect didn't seem to materialize until the picture hit DVD and cable. And now it's got something of a cult following.
So perhaps it's not so surprising that Mike Sampson over at ScreenCrush is now reporting that director Jorma Taccone and star Will Forte are developing MacGruber 2.
"It would be me, Will and John [Solomon] writing it again," Taccone says. "Every time I hang out with Will, we talk about all our cool ideas for the sequel. We have the idea for it and we have a title, but I won’t tell you what it is."
No word yet on when the film might actually hit the pipeline, as Forte and Taccone have other projects they're working on right now, but still…