We're in rumor territory here, so be warned… Reports indicate that the God of Thunder's old foe the Enchantress might be showing up as the villain in Thor 2.
The item comes from Bleeding Cool, who seem quite confident in their story. And it makes sense. The Enchantress, a.k.a. Amora, is one of the best known villains in Thor's pantheon, and her story also connects to that of Skurge, the Executioner; they figure in the classic Walt Simonson story that every fanboy worth his weight in uru hopes will make it onscreen eventually.
Of course, the Enchantress rumors aren't new. But Bleeding Cool's other tidbit is -- the site also has reason to believe that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson might be starring as Lobo in Brad Peyton's recently announced film version of the DC character. The site is far less certain about this rumor, but let's not forget that just a few days ago Johnson mysteriously tweeted "Funny U say that" when a fan suggested that they could "see Rock playing in DC movies." Hmmmm…
Couch both of these items in Main Man speculation… for now.