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X-Men 2 Goes Days of Future Past?

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  • X-Men 2 Goes Days of Future Past?

    A Days of Future Past X-Men movie? Are you freaking kidding me?!

    We live in a post-Avengers world now, boys and girls, and it looks like 20th Century Fox may be the first studio to really be reacting to how that film has changed the superhero genre: AICN is reporting that Fox has registered the title Days of Future Past with the MPAA Title Registration Bureau. Could this mean that X-Men: First Class 2 is going to be an adaptation of the classic X-storyline about time travel and an alternate, quite horrible future reality for everyone's favorite mutants?

    Days of Future Past, by the dynamic duo of Chris Claremont and John Byrne, was a two-issue tale from all the way back in 1981. Required reading for any self-respecting fanboy, it tells the story of a future where mutants have been hunted into near-extinction, while the current-timeline version of the team works with the future Kitty Pryde to prevent a political assassination that will ultimately lead to that very gloomy future for the X-Men. Oh, and it's also got Sentinels.

    As AICN points out, this could be a very clever way for Fox to unite the First Class cast with (some of) the actors from the original trilogy. Which, let's face it, would probably mostly be Hugh Jackman. Actually, this is a really smart way to utilize the aging Jackman as Wolverine for a few more films, as the Wolvie in that future timeline looks a bit older than his modern counterpart.

    Still, if director Matthew Vaughn and Fox go this route, the original tale will have to be substantially altered for film. And who knows, this could all be off base anyway.
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