Warner Home Entertainment is bringing Frank Oz's Little Shop of Horrors, the musical from 1986, to Blu-ray on October 9th and it's coming with a newly-restored 20-minute alternate ending.
In the film, Rick Moranis plays a nerdish florist who finds his chance for success and romance with the help of a giant man-eating plant who demands to be fed.
The Blu will come with the theatrical cut and the director's cut in a 40-page book pack.
If you recall, the alternate ending was rather apocalyptic - it was featured in the trading cards at the time of the film's release (photos of massive plants taking over New York City had me wondering what the hell I missed out on after I saw the flick in the theater). And, I believe, the alternate ending made it on to DVD before Warner Bros. recalled the title, removed the ending and re-released the disc.
The Blu will come with commentary, a featurette and deleted scenes.
The announcement rides on the heels of Warner's intentions to remake Little Shop of Horrors with producer and actor Joseph Godron Levitt.