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Don't Expect To See Another 28 Days Later Sequel

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  • Don't Expect To See Another 28 Days Later Sequel

    I've heard rumors about another sequel being made for director Danny Boyle's modern day horror classic 28 Days Later, but according to screenwriter Alex Garland, it's not happening. This is the movie that helped breathe life back into the zombie movie genre. Without it, who knows where the zombie genre would be today?

    Zombies are more popular today than they've ever been, so a sequel at this point would kind of come off as being another cash grab. Here's what Garland had to say in an interview with Dread Central,

    I'm still so proud of 28 Days Later and how well it's been received over the years so I appreciate that. But in regards to another movie, no- there are no plans for a 28 Months Later or whatever they were calling it. This is a series I've always been heavily involved with between the original and the sequel so if there were plans for another movie, I would absolutely know about it.

    So that my friends is a definite 'no' to another 28 Days Later sequel. I think the franchise has run its course, and I'm fine with leaving things the way they are. But you never know, one day we might actually end up seeing another sequel happen, you know how Hollywood does things these days.

    Would you like to see another sequel to this zombie franchise? Or are you happy to hear that nothing is currently in play?
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