Bruce Campbell aka the coolest dude in horror has unleashed 4 important facts about the upcoming remake of Evil Dead. He has done so via his Twitter account and there is one fact in particular that stands out and is causing me a bit of grief.
Here are the four facts about Evil Dead that Bruce Campbell has shared;
@GroovyBruce not in it.
No Ash character.
I am a producer on it.
Due: 4/12/13
I am absolutely stoked for the upcoming remake of Evil Dead but I have to be honest I do not get the logic of not giving Bruce Campbell a cameo in some form.
In fact I am starting to wonder if this is a bit of misdirection to make us think Bruce Campbell is not in the Evil Dead remake. The team behind Prometheus swore up and down that their movie had nothing to do with ALIEN and it was clearly misdirection once we saw the movie and a surprise Bruce Campbell Evil Dead Cameo would be in a word fantastic! Or perhaps it is just wishful thinking on my part.
Some could argue that having a Bruce Campbell cameo would distract from the Evil Dead remakes much more mature and darker take on the original material but I disagree.
Bruce Campbell only needs to be an easter egg. That small moment in the film where we see him in the background pumping gas or walking down the street and all scream out ‘Hail to the King Baby!’ at the big screen.
What do you think of a Bruce Campbell cameo in Evil Dead? Good idea or bad idea? More importantly are you buying that they really did not give him a role in the movie or do you like me think this is some clever misdirection.