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Bryan Singer May Bring All-CG Character ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past,’ Unsure About Ha

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  • Bryan Singer May Bring All-CG Character ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past,’ Unsure About Ha

    What tools will bring X-Men to the screen for their timeline-hopping story Days of Future Past?

    With a new trailer hitting today and the film’s release coming up in just a couple weeks, Jack the Giant Slayer director Bryan Singer is doing some press rounds. He’s fielding quite a few questions about X-Men, which is inevitable given his return to directing the franchise after a ten-year stint working as a producer on the series.

    Jack the Giant Slayer makes use of more CG than any other film in the director’s filmography, and that is leading many to wonder if he’ll apply some of the same imagery to X-Men. The answer seems to be “yes,” though precisely what characters will appear through the magic of computer-generated imagery is something we’re not going to learn today. In addition, Singer addresses questions of Halle Berry‘s return to the franchise with a big “maybe.”

    Speaking to MTV, Singer talked about the idea of bringing some of the extensive CG work from Jack the Giant Slayer to the world of the X-Men.

    A CG Nick Hoult or a CG Ewan McGregor, maybe 20 years from now might be perfect, but it’s a little tough on the eyes when it’s not real. I definitely want to use this technology again, and I might even be using some of it in a different way in X-Men. I don’t want to say how, yet, but I’m definitely using some of this technology on X-Men, which I never used in any of the other X-Men films.

    The first assumption I would make here is that the giant mutant-hunting robot Sentinels, which should appear in the “future” sections of Days of Future Past, will be entirely CG. We don’t know enough about the full mutant lineup of the film, so it’s too early to guess what other non-robotic characters might be rendered entirely through digital means.

    As for that cast of the new film, we’ve heard a lot about various actors from Singer’s directorial run on X-Men returning for at least a few scenes in this film. Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are back; Hugh Jackman will show up as Wolverine; and there may be more as well.

    What of Halle Berry, who played Storm, a character that could have a good scene or two in the new film? She’s at a “maybe, maybe not” position, and it sounds like script tinkering is what will really lock her in, or shut her out.

    I can’t say [whether Storm will be in the film]. I don’t know yet. And it’s not necessarily a deal making aspect at all. I want to make sure it’ll make sense. But I love working with her.
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