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Harrison Ford IsBack For Star Wars : Episode VII?

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  • Harrison Ford IsBack For Star Wars : Episode VII?

    It looks like J.J. Abrams may have locked down his first official cast member for Star Wars: Episode VII, and according to our friends at Latino Review that person is Harrison Ford! El Mayimbe was so confident about his scoop that he actually went on TV's Fox News Latino where he dropped the news that it was a done deal.

    This. Is. Awesome! I hope it's true! Latino Review is rarely wrong in their scoops though. I honestly thought out of all the original cast members Ford would be the last one to sign on, so I'm surprised and excited that Han Solo's going to be back!

    Ford is 70-years-old and he's still going strong! The legendary actor recently starred in Cowboys & Aliens and he also has roles in Ender's Game, 42 and Paranoia. I think it's so cool that he'll be returning to the franchise that launched his career. And to think... he wanted to have Han Solo killed off. Thank goodness that didn't happen.
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