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Bobcat Goldthwait Directing Found-Footage Bigfoot Flick

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  • Bobcat Goldthwait Directing Found-Footage Bigfoot Flick

    While most of us known Bobcat Goldthwait as Zed from the Police Academy films, he’s actually a pretty accomplished director. His God Bless America was a big hit with Magnet, and he’s been extremely open with stating that various horror films lend in his style. I just hope that this time, as he delves in found-footage, that he brings something new to the table. It sounds like he is..

    Next up for the comedian-turned-director is Willow Creek, a found-footage genre film about Bigfoot, says Bleeding Cool.

    The site adds that this one isn’t a schlocky horror picture, adding that Goldthwait has apparently mixed satire with some suspense and, overall, his film is apparently rather driven by “exploring the idea of bearing witness.” They’re also told there are various characters in the film who believe they’ve seen the elusive Sasquatch and they give differing accounts, even come to fight over it. Goldthwait uses this for some observations on faith and religion.

    Eduardo Sanchez, director on Blair Witch Project and V/H/S/2, is now in post-production on Exists, his own found-footage Bigfoot flick. We’ve also seen the recent release of the horrendous direct-to-disc release of Lost Coast Tapes.

  • #2
    Found footage. meh. :|
    It make homos game at females.


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