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First Look At ‘Wolf Creek 2′; More Psychological Terror, Less Gore…

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  • First Look At ‘Wolf Creek 2′; More Psychological Terror, Less Gore…

    Bloody regular ‘Fear Has No Cure’ tipped us off to Australian website The Age, which has your first look at actor John Jarratt (left) as psychopath Mick Taylor with director Greg Mclean on the set of Wolf Creek 2 in South Australia. The pic is accompanied by a lengthy report from the set of the sequel that begins while seeking an authentic Australian adventure, one unlucky backpacker learns the deepest, darkest secrets of the Outback’s most infamous serial killer.

    In explaining what took so long to get a sequel to the 2007 Sundance Film Festival smash hit off the ground, McLean Mclean says he did not want to be rushed into “a cheesy sequel,” but nor did he expect the gap between films to stretch quite this far. “If I’d known then what I know now about how long it would take to get this up, I’d probably have said yes to a sequel earlier.”

    “I’m not really interested in gore and blood and stuff,” adds the Melbourne-based director, whose second feature, the $25 million crocodile film Rogue, might suggest otherwise. “I’m interested in why the character connected with Australian audiences. It’s not about being a horror film – it’s because Mick is about something else, something deep and dark in the Australian psyche.”

    This is great news as the worst sequels aim too high on the gore and forget about the characters. Mick Taylor is a fantastic villain, and letting him deliver the suspense is right way to go. Personally, I can’t wait for this slasher to hit the festival scene next year.
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