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Brad Bird's Tommorowland Isn'y What We Though It Was!

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  • Brad Bird's Tommorowland Isn'y What We Though It Was!

    There's a lot of great mystery and intrigue surrounding Brad Bird and Damon Lindelof's next feature film project Tomorrowland. I've been truly excited for this project, there's been a ton of speculation involving what the movie would be about. The only solid explanation that we've seen up until this point is that the story centers on aliens and that the movie will recapture the spirit of Steven Spielberg's classic movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and that information isn't really solid now.

    The movie isn't what you think it is, everything we've heard is so way off base it's ridiculous. Hitfix somehow got a hold on a description of the movie, and it sounds so much crazier and awesome than what you are imagining right at this moment. This bit of story information is the description that’s going around to talent agencies. Check it out...

    A teenage girl, a genius middle-aged man (who was kicked out of Tomorrowland) and a pre-pubescent girl robot attempt to get to and unravel what happened to Tomorrowland, which exists in an alternative dimension, in order to save Earth.

    So it's basically none of the things we thought is would be! As of right now the film stars George Clooney and Hugh Laurie. For those of you like myself who are looking for a little bit more of an elaboration, the site goes on to explain...

    The “Tomorrowland” that they keep referring to in this break-down appears to be a place where science has blown past the world we live in, and when Frank Walker was a young man, he first encountered the promise of Tomorrowland at the 1964 World’s Fair. David Nix was there, showing off his own work, and he told Walker to come back when he was older and his inventions actually worked. A girl named Athena saw great promise in 11-year-old Frank, though, and she snuck him into Tomorrowland. Eventually, Frank was discovered by Nix and thrown out, but not before learning that the girl he loved, Athena, was actually a robot.

    By the time we meet Frank in the film, he’s much older, and George Clooney is set to play the part. Nix is the role that Hugh Laurie is signed for, and by the point the main story of the film kicks in, Nix has been in charge of Disneyland for many years, and he’s become rotten, corrupt. Athena, unchanged since Frank was a young man, plays a key role in the film, and the hero is a girl named Casey who has a quick scientific mind that becomes important as the story unfolds. Nix is a guy who values technical accomplishment over creative thinking, and when he throws Frank out of Tomorrowland, he’s not alone. Every creative thinker is banished, allowing Nix to focus purely on aesthetics and technical advancement for its own sake.

    Even though its nothing like I thought it would be, it stills sounds like an awesome story, and I'm still excited to see how the movie turns out! There's some very talented people involved with it, and it's sure to end up being a great movie! What are your thoughts on this new found information? Are you still excited for the film?
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