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Max Steel Is Back In Development With Christopher Yost

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  • Max Steel Is Back In Development With Christopher Yost

    Back in 2009, when Taylor Lautner's popularity rose to ridiculous heights because of the Twilight films, he was attached to star in a feature film adaptation of the Max Steel action figure toy line. The studios then realized Lautner was a terrible actor, and that he didn't have what it took to draw a crowd. Max Steel was one of several projects he was attached to that ended up being shelved. The movie was set up at Paramount Pictures, and they let the rights to the franchise revert back to Mattel.

    Now the toy company is again looking to develop it into a feature film, and they've teamed up with Miami-based Dolphin Entertainment, who is funding development.

    The plan is to turn in into a live-action film, and they've hired writer Christopher Yost to write the script. Yost is best known for working on several of the Marvel animated movies and TV series. They've also hired Stewart Hendler to direct the film. He directed the sci-fi digital series H+.

    The story would center on Josh McGrath, a 19-year-old extreme-sports athlete who is accidentally exposed to the unleashed power of nanotechological machines, which become part of him and give him increased strength, near-invulnerability and the ability to change his appearance.

    Yost is a solid writer, so there's a chance that this movie could be decent.

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