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George Romero Finishes New Script

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  • George Romero Finishes New Script

    Everyone has been waiting to see what the Master of Horror George A. Romero would do next. There has been several rumors about what his next film would be. But today it has been revealed that he will be returning to the living dead with his recently finished script, The Zombie Autopsies.

    George A. Romero had optioned the film rights to Steven C. Schlozman’s awhile back and is finally getting the wheels rolling. Of course now that his script is finished the real work begins. With so many studios trying to make their own zombie films it can prove difficult even for a pioneer like Romero.

    Hopefully soon we will hear something about this project. Below is the synopsis for the book, The Zombie Autopsies.

    As the walking dead rises up throughout the world, a few brave doctors attempt to find a cure by applying forensic techniques to captured zombies. Based on the research of renowned zombie expert Dr. Stanley Blum, performed at a remote island where a crack medical team has been sent to explore a radical theory that may lead to a cure for the epidemic, THE ZOMBIE AUTOPSIES documents for the first time the unique biology of zombie organisms. Twenty-five detailed drawings of the internal organs of actual zombies provide an accurate anatomy of these horrifying creatures, including zombie brains, hearts, lungs, skin, and the digestive system, while Dr. Blum’s notes reveal shocking insights into how they function, even as Blum and his staff themselves begin to succumb to the plague. No one knows the ultimate fate of Dr. Blum or his researchers, but now that his notebook, THE ZOMBIE AUTOPSIES, has been made available to the UN, the World Health Organization, and the general public, his scientific discoveries may provide the last hope for humans on earth!
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