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Mark Wahlberg Producing Julius Caesar Film THE ROMAN

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  • Mark Wahlberg Producing Julius Caesar Film THE ROMAN

    Mark Wahlberg has signed on to produce a Julius Caesar origin film called The Roman. The movie is described as being in the same vein as Batman Begins. I love how new upcoming movies are still being likened to Batman Begins, it's still setting the standard for filmmakers.

    According to Deadline, this is a story "that envisions the future dictator as a young general in the Roman army in a rarely discussed period of his life. Kidnapped by Cilician pirates and enslaved on their prison island, Caesar escapes with his men while the decisions he makes during this time directly affect the political and social upheavals happening in Rome. As Plutarch tells it, Caesar maintained such an air of superiority during his imprisonment that he demanded his captors more than double the ransom they had placed on his life; after he escaped, he made his way back and brutally crucified the perpetrators as he’d vowed he would. Upon his return to Rome, Caesar powered into politics on his way toward ruling the empire."

    The script was written by Travis Baker and Richard Tanne, and the next step is to bring in a director. There's no word on Wahlberg starring in the film, but I imagine that it's a possibility.

  • #2
    Every woman's husband, and every man's wife. Read Suetonius' '12 Caesars' --those guys were some of the biggest monsters of all time. Though JC was actually one of the good ones, comparatively.
    It make homos game at females.


    • #3
      it'd be interesting to see this although not with mark wahlberg as julius caesar someone like benedict cumberbatch would be all right imo


      • #4
        Originally posted by Billy The Kid View Post
        it'd be interesting to see this although not with mark wahlberg as julius caesar someone like benedict cumberbatch would be all right imo
        Yea there not sure if he is set to star in it but he could it looks like its gonna turn out to be a good movie though.


        • #5
          Sounds good.

          That's a statue of Augustus in the picture though.


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