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RUMOR: Jeepers Creepers 3 Actor Claims Movie Has Finished Filming

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  • RUMOR: Jeepers Creepers 3 Actor Claims Movie Has Finished Filming

    If you have been following Jeepers Creepers 3 at all you should at this point be shocked by the claims of one of its supposed cast member that the film has finished shooting and is in the process of finding a distributor for either a direct to DVD or theatrical release.

    Credit for digging this up goes to one of our reader Daniel but I am really suspicious regardless of his findings.

    Daniel found tweets where the alleged cast member of Jeepers Creepers 3 Fox Langenkamp said on November 15th quote;

    [ Jeepers Creepers 3 ] Was just never fully completed. And films go back and revise/re-film scenes all the time. Cross your fingers for it!

    He also added when confronted by other dubious fans with ;

    It has [ in reference to it already being shot ]. Many others will confirm that it had already mostly been filmed.

    Is Fox really the star of Jeepers Creepers 3? Did it really finish filming in 2011? It seems somewhat unlikely given that Victor Salva around the same time that the film was supposedly shooting told The Daily Blam

    “It has come close several times to going before cameras, and I hope someone sees the wisdom in shooting this, the third and final Creeper tale, I still can’t tell you what the fate of this third film will be.

    According to IMBD we are already filming – I guess they started without any of us!”

    Now obviously Victors quotes could have been from before the film started shooting but there is another small bug in the ointment. Michael Zakin head of the production company American Zoetrope who owns the rights to Jeepers Creepers 3 told the Wallstreet Journal in 2012 that they we were hoping to get a budget together and shoot the film in Mississippi.

    What is the truth? Who knows until somebody emails us and gives us some more solid facts. I am still leaning towards the movie is NOT finished until proven otherwise. We sent a message to Fox for some sort of confirmation of his claims but did not hear back by the time we wrote this. We will of course update you as we hear more from those involved.

    I am a huge fan of Jeepers Creepers and really hope that the producers can pull it together and make it happen. The Jeepers Creepers films have brought in over $90million at the box office and clearly there is an interest for a third.

  • #2 coppola finally stopped being a dick & let them go ahead with the film? About fucking time!!!!!!


    • #3
      I like both parts
      My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
      Vinyls: 60
      Cassettes: 110
      CDs: 216


      • #4
        First movie brings back memories
        "Very nice. So what is it, *Mr.* Cocksucker now?...Lunch is for wimps."


        • #5
          Great concept for a horror film and the first one executed it well. My only gripe was they revealed what the monster looked like in the end of #1 . It went downhill after that


          • #6
            These movies were so so i find they where good but there was just alot of stuff they messed up on.


            • #7
              2001's Jeepers Creepers and its sequel Jeepers Creepers 2 made $122 million worldwide, while the sequel ended with a tease for a third movie, Jeepers Creepers 3 never came to fruition.

              However, now writer-director Victor Salva says the movie could be in development very soon, citing a renewed interest in the Jeepers Creepers franchise as a reason. Salva is hopeful about the sequel saying, "There may finally be some very good news for those waiting for the third Jeepers film to go before the cameras."

              At this point, it's unknown whether Salva intends on developing a new story, or sticking with the rumoured plot for Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral, which would have continued the story from the first movie with Trish (Gina Philips) setting out to hunt down the Creeper.

     I Really hope they stick to the story of Trisha hunting down the monster and they use the same actor, I deck early think it should be made hopefully it will within the next few years


              • #8
                This caught my attention just now, i never seen the first two parts and there something about the monster that makes it creepy imo. I'mma watch the two parts now.


                • #9
                  I enjoyed the first two

                  Not the best of movies but enjoyable


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