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Vin Diesel Teases Marvel's INHUMANS, But Why?!

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  • Vin Diesel Teases Marvel's INHUMANS, But Why?!

    Vin Diesel sure does love to tease his fans about Marvel projects. It all started when when he revealed to the world that he had been invited to a meeting at Marvel Studios. After that happened he teased various different announcements, lots of rumors and speculation started to swirl, and it all led to him being cast as the voice of Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe there's something more to it, though.

    Over the weekend for some reason he decided to tease Inhumans in a statement he made on his Facebook page with an image of Groot.

    "Vin and Marvel… you all made it happen! I get the strange feeling that Marvel thinks I’m Inhuman… Haha."

    Why would he tease The Inhumans from out of nowhere like that? There is a movie that has been been in development for awhile. Does this suggest that it's still moving forward with Diesel's involvement?

    Last year the actor did tease that he was up for a role in a Marvel movie coming out in 2017. That movie clearly wasn't Guardians of the Galaxy. This is the exact quote from ComicBook:

    "When I first got the call from Kevin Feige, he prefaced the call by saying ‘This is the strangest character Marvel has ever attempted.’ He said ‘Don’t answer me now, but instead of making the fans wait until 2017, there’s something that would be a brilliant idea, we think you could be the only person who could bring the emotion to this very challenging task. Don’t answer me Vin, don’t answer me, let me send over my conceptual art."

    That character is, of course, Groot. But it's the "making fans wait until 2017" comment that really sticks out in that quote. Wait for what? What is Vin doing with Marvel in 2017? It's obviously something! Maybe The Inhumans is one of two Marvel movies scheduled for released in 2017.

    Yeah, the actor could be completely screwing with the fans. But it also makes complete sense if he ended up in another Marvel movie. If he has been cast in The Inhumans, there's a good chance that he will play a character named Black Bolt who doesn't speak, but the part would require his physicality. So for one Marvel character the only thing he really provides is his voice (Groot) and the other character would only require his physicality (Black Bolt). Makes sense to me.

  • #2
    What's more amazing is Vin growing his hair in that pic!!!!


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