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INTERSTELLAR - New TV Spot, Plus Why Theaters Are Upset with Nolan

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  • INTERSTELLAR - New TV Spot, Plus Why Theaters Are Upset with Nolan

    Paramount Pictures has released a new TV spot for Christopher Nolan's spectacular-looking space exploration film Interstellar. Apparently movie theaters aren't happy with Nolan at the moment because the studio announced that theaters that are still equipped to project 35mm and 70mm film will get the film two days early, on November 5th. A lot of cinemas are bringing in film projectors so that they can be a part of this. They are literally going back to older technology so that they can get a print of the film to show. Of course, some theaters can't afford to do that, like a small chain called Spotlight Theaters. Joe Paletta, CEO and founder of Spotlight said,

    "This devalues what we've done. I can't afford to get the projectors out of the warehouse for two days, and I don't even have anyone to operate them."

    Nolan has been a strong advocate of film, and he has a lot of clout with the studios and exhibitors, so he can basically do what he wants. According to THR, this sends a confusing message to theater owners as "nearly all of the country's cinemas have been converted to digital as Hollywood studios cease sending film prints." Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore said,

    "Interstellar plays spectacularly, and we have a filmmaker who loves film, so we wanted to take a moment to showcase film as an important part of our heritage."

    They basically just want to make the director happy so he makes more movies with them. I'm just excited to see the movie! Preferably in IMAX. I get what Nolan is doing, but it also isn't really fair to some of the smaller movie theaters that can't afford to do it. You can watch the TV spot below.

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