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Guillermo del Toro Offers Details on PACIFIC RIM 2

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  • Guillermo del Toro Offers Details on PACIFIC RIM 2

    Pacific Rim was such an insanely cool movie, and I couldn't be happier that Legendary Pictures and Guillermo del Toro are moving forward with a sequel. During an interview with Collider, the director talked a little bit about the sequel saying that it takes place a couple of years after where the first movie left off, and says that Charlie Day and Burn Gorman will return to reprise their roles. Here's what he had to say about the timeframe:

    "It’s a few years after the first one. It’s not an immediate follow-up. It is the world having been freed of Kaiju, what happens to the world after – what happens to the Jaeger technology once the Kaiju are not a threat. It’s quite a jump."

    He went on to reveal who he thinks the two main characters will be saying,

    "It’s quite a different movie from the first one in that, but I think that two of our main characters like in the first one are Burn and Charlie. They are really, really – I mean, honestly, they are probably the guys I have the most fun writing along with Hannibal Chau so just from a purely selfish drive, I like writing them. I love writing for Charlie and Burn. I mean, [Burn's] in Crimson Peak for that reason, because I love working with him. You’re gonna get a lot of that, but the Kaijus are very different and you’re gonna see a very different type of the robots [sic] I think. It’s gonna be quite a different adventure."

    Day previously talked about the character saying that he was originally supposed to be a villain in the sequel, but I doubt that will happen, and so does Day, who said,

    “I remember when I first met with him [Del Toro] that he liked the idea of Newt becoming a bit of a villain in the second film...But, I think over the course of making the film, and the way the character resonated with the audience, I don’t think he would want to turn him into a villain now, but I really have no idea.”

    I loved Day's character in Pacific Rim, and it will be fun to see him back in the sequel, whether he's a villain or not.

  • #2
    part 1 is a dope movie so cant wait to see part 2
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Exodus View Post
      part 1 is a dope movie so cant wait to see part 2
      i actually still never watched part 1 will have to check it out sometime.


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