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Sony Wants a 21 JUMP STREET and MEN IN BLACK Crossover Movie

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  • Sony Wants a 21 JUMP STREET and MEN IN BLACK Crossover Movie

    There is so much interesting stuff pouring out of that Sony Pictures e-mail hack. Earlier today we shared some stuff involving what the studio is planning to do with Spider-Man and that Marvel wanted to include Spidey in Captain America: Civil War. You can read more about that here.

    The Wall Street Journal has been going through all of these leaked e-mails and pointing out some of the craziness that is going on over at the studio. One of the more ridiculous things that I've seen is that they are actually planning to make a 21 Jump Street and Men in Black crossover film! Seriously?! I don't even know what to say about that. I think the idea is completely absurd, but at the same time I kind of like it because of how wacky it is. Seeing Schmidt and Jenko on a case that involved aliens?! Why the hell not? I can only imagine some of the other insane ideas that they've had. That's even crazier than the sequel spoofs that were teased during the end credits sequence of 22 Jump Street.

    They even found a quote from an email from actor Jonah Hill supporting the suggestion saying, “jump street merging with mib i think that’s clean and rad and powerful [sic].” They go so far as to say that this is "one of the highest profile projects on the studio’s slate," and that they even wanted to get it in theaters by 2016 or 2017.

    The report went on to share a few other details, like how Men In Black franchise stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones "would not be included in the movie, at least in prominent roles." They also tease that Jump Street directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller would produce this mash up event, and "may direct it." Hell, if they direct it we know the movie will be hilarious.

    Nothing is set in stone at the moment, but it's something that we could very well see sometime in the future. Hannah Minghella, a president of production for Sony’s Columbia Pictures label said, “We don’t have a script yet so we’ll be greenlighting the movie off the concept and the talent involved.”

    I'm really curious to see how this all comes together. I guess they'll be looking at how fans respond to the idea now that it's all over the internet. I say do it!
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