The film stars Sean Astin, Currie Graham, Ryan Donowho, Brando Eaton, Jillian Murray, Mitch Ryan, Solly Duran, Lydia Hearst, and Claudette Lali.
Cabin Fever: Patient: Zero is directed by Kaare Andrews.
Synopsis: When a cruise ship in the Caribbean collides with an abandoned research vessel, a deadly virus is unleashed. Passengers must find a way to survive before the flesh eating disease consumes them all.
The film is expected to hit home video in Germany this June 2, 2014. Look for a domestic release date hopefully soon.
Cabin Fever: Patient: Zero is directed by Kaare Andrews.
Synopsis: When a cruise ship in the Caribbean collides with an abandoned research vessel, a deadly virus is unleashed. Passengers must find a way to survive before the flesh eating disease consumes them all.
The film is expected to hit home video in Germany this June 2, 2014. Look for a domestic release date hopefully soon.