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MP3 Vs Hard Copy (CD)

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  • #76
    Originally posted by DUMP_TRUCK View Post
    yes, but if you can't listen to it without cringing or covering your ears..what good is it?

    i see people with this attitude all the time driving down the street - distortion on full blast. Usually in a souped up dodge neon or some other beater. I just shake my head and keep moving.

    this could start a whole new discussion about how engineers nowadays just crank up the gain on everything. i guess the science is the louder it is the more likely people will listen to it. go listen to your cd's from the early 90's and notice the volume difference on them compared to now.

    i guess it all comes down the quality of the system you are playing it on too. to notice much between different sources or bitrates on an ipod or some crappy bookshelf systen is probably close to impossible with the possible exception of those with an extremely fine-tuned ear.

    to each their own as usual.....
    Originally posted by whuddup View Post
    No it's not. That's like saying "water is water...I'm not picky about quality." Yeah, you *could* drink the brown water and live, but do you want to?

    Who wants to listen to music in garbage quality?
    music is music. can't be compared to water. mm shut up.

    Originally posted by MarkyMark View Post
    but the artist worked hard to make the music, why should people get this for free?

    i am a hypocrite since i've downloaded in the past, but in all honesty i purchase all music now.

    if i was a musician and knew people were downloading my work for free i would be pissed too.
    im going to keep downloading music. oh well.


    calm down boys.
    what i mean is, aslong as its good quality, i dont worry about a 320kpbs or FLAC. its not a necessity to me. if it isnt distorted im fine.


    • #77
      Originally posted by kace View Post
      music is music. can't be compared to water. mm shut up.
      Umm, yes it can. Shut up.
      "Support the legacy - Buy Pac related Amaru/Deathrow releases to influence future releases."


      • #78
        Originally posted by whuddup View Post
        Umm, yes it can. Shut up.
        nah..... it really can't.. its like comparing rocks to chairs.. two totally different things.
        Last edited by kace; 11-08-2010, 12:46 AM.


        • #79
          i hope you get caught downloading and get a fat fine


          • #80
            Originally posted by kace View Post
            nah..... it really can't.. its like comparing rocks to chairs.. two totally different things.
            Obviously a comparison is much to difficult for you to grasp there brother.

            You're focusing on the wrong part of the comparison. It wasn't to talk about water, it was using your logic on "quality" in another situation so you could see how ridiculous you sound.

            Is English your first language? If not, that could be where the miscommunication lies.
            "Support the legacy - Buy Pac related Amaru/Deathrow releases to influence future releases."


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