This is all over the internet so its not like this post will cause to much of an issue here i don't imagine as most of don't have 6500 g's to throw around .gif)

Collector's looking to get their hands on a piece of rare Tupac Shakur memorabilia can bid on the signed contract from the late rapper/actor's role in the movie Juice on eBay.
The current listed price is $6500 for the contract.
The most interesting part of the contract is it shows Tupac could have played the roles of either "Q" or "Bishop." As we now know he went on to portray the role of the unhinged "Bishop" to perfection.
The contract is signed by Tupac and includes a certificate of authenticity from Startifacts.
Spotted at XXL.

Collector's looking to get their hands on a piece of rare Tupac Shakur memorabilia can bid on the signed contract from the late rapper/actor's role in the movie Juice on eBay.
The current listed price is $6500 for the contract.
The most interesting part of the contract is it shows Tupac could have played the roles of either "Q" or "Bishop." As we now know he went on to portray the role of the unhinged "Bishop" to perfection.
The contract is signed by Tupac and includes a certificate of authenticity from Startifacts.
Spotted at XXL.