Story time..

A few weeks ago i was going through the reference section and realized that i don't own the Smooth album with the Pac featured song P.Y.T. on it. I've had the song on various mixtapes and collections and what not since about the time it was released, but i had never actually listened to the real album, just the one song.. i thought that the album must suck since no one ever talks about it and all that shit, but i figured that it's about time to have the real thing in my collection. So off i went to eBay and bought the album for a petty few bucks and some change for shipping and pretty much forgot about it the same second i logged off.
A few days ago the album dropped into my mailbox. I opened it, looked at it and felt cool for two seconds and then put it in the shelf to hang around with my 1500 other cd's and pretty much forgot all about it once again.
Earlier today i was going for a ride and decided to take a few cd's with me, like i always do. I went to the shelf and the Smooth album appeared in my radar again. I figured 'whattahell' and took it with me. I got to the car, put the cd in and a few seconds later i was smiling.
To me, hip hop died somewhere around the change of the millennium. The golden years were the 90's, especially 1993 - 1997 or so, and this album took me right back to that moment when i discovered my love for this genre. It's not the best album i've ever heard, but it's good, and i can't believe it took me 17 years to hear it.
To anyone else like me who never bothered, i recommend you take a trip back in time and buy this album from a time when hip hop music was still well alive and breathing.
For others, i'm sorry if i wasted your time with my boring story.

A few weeks ago i was going through the reference section and realized that i don't own the Smooth album with the Pac featured song P.Y.T. on it. I've had the song on various mixtapes and collections and what not since about the time it was released, but i had never actually listened to the real album, just the one song.. i thought that the album must suck since no one ever talks about it and all that shit, but i figured that it's about time to have the real thing in my collection. So off i went to eBay and bought the album for a petty few bucks and some change for shipping and pretty much forgot about it the same second i logged off.
A few days ago the album dropped into my mailbox. I opened it, looked at it and felt cool for two seconds and then put it in the shelf to hang around with my 1500 other cd's and pretty much forgot all about it once again.
Earlier today i was going for a ride and decided to take a few cd's with me, like i always do. I went to the shelf and the Smooth album appeared in my radar again. I figured 'whattahell' and took it with me. I got to the car, put the cd in and a few seconds later i was smiling.
To me, hip hop died somewhere around the change of the millennium. The golden years were the 90's, especially 1993 - 1997 or so, and this album took me right back to that moment when i discovered my love for this genre. It's not the best album i've ever heard, but it's good, and i can't believe it took me 17 years to hear it.
To anyone else like me who never bothered, i recommend you take a trip back in time and buy this album from a time when hip hop music was still well alive and breathing.
For others, i'm sorry if i wasted your time with my boring story.