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Mario Winans Finds 'Purpose' on New Album

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  • Mario Winans Finds 'Purpose' on New Album

    Can't Be Friends producer Mario Winans is finalizing his new album with plans to release the project by the end of the year. Winans' third album, entitled 'My Purpose,' is a follow-up to his 2004 platinum effort 'Hurt No More.'

    During his hiatus from releasing solo material, Winans told YKIGS "I produced some stuff for the Diddy and Dirty Money [album] and with different artists like Rick Ross and all the Bad Boy artists."

    With urge to continue his solo career, he was inspired to record new material: "I had been living a little differently than what my purpose is, and that is really just to humbly serve others to pray for others and to really be a good person and live the way I believe. From that, I was inspired to title my album that because those changes were going on in my life while I was working on the album."

    In addition to his forthcoming album, Winans is grooming Hip Hop artist Superstar Piper, who is credited for producing Carl Thomas' new single "It Ain't Fair."

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  • #2
    he makes more money producing tracks then actually singing. lol. Im a big winans fan from a vocal point, i think hes very under rated


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