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Lil’ Wayne’s Music Video Eerily Similar To Colorado Shooting

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  • Lil’ Wayne’s Music Video Eerily Similar To Colorado Shooting

    Lil’ Wayne’s new music video for “My Homies Still” featuring Big Sean has a few scenes in it that are eerily similar to the Colorado massacre that took place last week in a Aurora movie theater. The scene in question features Lil’ Wayne performing in a movie theater with 12 skeletons. Exactly 12 people died in that movie theater while trying to enjoy The Dark Knight…creepy.
    Later in the video, the camera pulls back to reveal many more skeletons, but in the main scenes 12 are visible.

    Another creepy similarity is in one scene where Lil’ Wayne is skateboarding on a suburban street, smoke bombs are set off. The killer set off smoke bombs before he opened fire in the theater. And, at 3:28, a mirrored reflection in the window nearly takes on the shape of a bat.

    Some people are calling for the video to either be pulled off the air or re-edited in light of the recent tragedy. Check out the video below. The movie theater scenes starts at the 3:35 mark. Do you think it is offensive to the families of the victims?

    Also, so you know, this is purely a coincidence. The video was released on July 17, three days before the Batman massacre in Aurora, Colorado. Do you think Wayne and his team should re-cut the video to delete the movie theater scene?

  • #2
    Signs The World Is Coming To An End: Rise of the Racist Murderers? Colorado Massacre

    Ok found this other article aswell.

    Apparently the shooter from the Colorado shooting hated lil wayne? read below

    First, it was revealed that George Zimmerman had racial motivations for his murder of 16-year-old Trayvon Martin. Now, the former PhD student who killed 12 people at a screening of The Dark Knight Rises, is exposed as a racist as well. Twenty-four-year-old James Eagan Holmes, dressed up as the Joker and opened fire in a movie theater in Colorado just a few days ago. Now it is being revealed that the killer was a racist who hated Lil’ Wayne and African-Americans.

    Reuters reports that one of Holmes neighbors recalls a story where she bumped into him at the Zephyr Lounge, and he approahed her after she played a Lil’ Wayne song on the jukebox. The neighbor claims that Holmes made a “racially charged comments about rap” and disapproved of rap music, preferring rock ‘n’ roll instead.
    According to reports, Holmes graduated from the University of California-Riverside, and due to the recession, was unable to get a job – resorting to working at McDonald’s for a spell. His neighbors have told the press that “he seemed like a normal dude,” and would sometimes sit on the stoop with a backpack on.

    Holmes is currently in police custody and has reportedly been getting death threats in jail. He is charged with killing 12 people, including a six-year-old girl, and injuring 58 others. According to the police, Holmes planned the attack with ‘calculation and deliberation.’ The Denver Post is reporting that he used ammunition methodically ordered over a period of months.
    Holmes dressed as the Joker and snuck into the theater through an emergency exit with three weapons, a helmet, and a gas mask. After tossing two gas canister into the theater, Holmes walked up the isle firing at moviegoers. He then put his weapons down and waited for the police in the parking lot of the theater.

    When police arrived at his apartments on Friday, the entire place was laced with booby traps and explosives. Police used robots to set off the explosive booby traps and and tried to find clues as to why Holmes snapped.
    I hope this guy pays the ultimate price for his massacre and gets the maximum punishment.


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by aubrio View Post
        How do you figure?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Brad View Post
          How do you figure?
          how do i figure what


          • #6
            Originally posted by aubrio View Post
            how do i figure what
            he means what does it have to do with illuminati or freemasons and how you know it
            Love Peace & Harmony


            • #7
              "According to reports, Holmes graduated from the University of California-Riverside, and due to the recession, was unable to get a job – resorting to working at McDonald’s"... damn, that had to really suck.
              "Very nice. So what is it, *Mr.* Cocksucker now?...Lunch is for wimps."


              • #8
                Man this Ghost video of Pac's was made a long time ago and it also shows relevance to the shooting in Colorado.

                At :15 seconds a crime scene with police in shown.
                (cops were called in on the shooting)

                :20 secs shown 7 shots
                (Seven people were first thought dead)

                :46 Pac says "too many babies"
                a baby was targeted during the Colorado Shooting

                1:03 "As they pass through the glass of my neighbors"
                His apartment was wired with explosives, they had to use a neighbors house

                1:07 "blood in the hall of the murder scene"
                WOW how does Pac do this???

                1:24 "watch the smoke swirl"
                smoke bombs were used in the event

                1:27 "My Mossberg goes boom!"
                Killer used a shot gun

                I could go on but I think I made my point and I tired


                • #9
                  ^This is exactly how I feel about it haha. It's like how Tupac died and the I Ain't Mad At Cha video came out the next day. Just a coincidence.
                  A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
                  & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
                  & getting the benefits that go along with it
                  Everythin that's out here for kings like us
                  The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
                  They don't understand is because we really from Africa
                  & that's where all this stuff come from
                  & we originated from kings


                  • #10
                    You don't have to be a racist to hate Lil’ Wayne; and if you think Lil’ Wayne means Rap Music, then it's damn easy to hate rap music.
                    It make homos game at females.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by VenomRx View Post
                      "According to reports, Holmes graduated from the University of California-Riverside, and due to the recession, was unable to get a job – resorting to working at McDonald’s"... damn, that had to really suck.
                      Damn i guess that may be a factor, having a shitty job can aggravate ur mental state for sure.


                      • #12
                        come on people........!!!!!!
                        Say no to Trump.


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