Rapper Kanye West could be “thrust” into the spotlight with his latest release – a new 20-minute sex tape featuring the rapper that is being shopped around.
RadarOnline.com reports that a source is shopping the raunchy tape to various media outlets.
The representative for Radar stated that they had seen the sex tape in full and confirmed it was indeed Kanye West.
The 20-minute tape was reportedly shot in a hotel room, with an unidentified female, who resembles Kanye’s current girlfriend, Kim Kardashian.
At the beginning of the video, the woman clearly states she is 18-years old.
She claims that she is married, and she’s there to have intercourse with Kanye because she and her husband “don’t have sex anymore.”
A source said that Kanye West is terrified of the tape being leaked and that he was doing anything to keep the tape private.
“If this were to hit the market it would be worth a fortune, there would definitely be a lot of people wanting to see this!”
The sex tape far outweighs the nude pictures that were circulating of Kanye West several years ago.
In June, Kanye “accidentally” tweeted racy photos of himself and a porn star named Amia Miley, from a hotel bedroom.
The tape could also be a serious “blow” to the rapper’s career.
“Kanye was practically in tears when he heard the tape was being shopped.”
