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The Misappropriation of Rent: Lauryn Hill Leaves New Jersey Home After Landlord Sues

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  • The Misappropriation of Rent: Lauryn Hill Leaves New Jersey Home After Landlord Sues

    On July 8th, Lauryn Hill will move into a prison cell to serve her tax evasion sentence but she has already began her move.

    After the singer’s landlords filed a lawsuit in March over unpaid rent, Hill agreed to pay $7,000 in rent and leave her residence by May 31st according to TMZ.

    Lauryn Hill will serve three months in prison and three months of house arrested followed by nine months of supervised release for failing to file taxes from 2005-2007.

  • #2
    This all her fault. She could have made a lil money back when the Fugees were doing that reunion album. Fucked that whole thing up, thanks L-Boogie!


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