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Eminem - His Drug Addiction [How To Make Money Selling Drugs]
Eminem - His Drug Addiction [How To Make Money Selling Drugs]
“Had I got to the hospital two hours later, I would have died”-Eminem
Since his 2009 return following a 5 year sabbatical, Eminem has been excruciatingly honest about his drug addiction which resulted in a 2007 overdose.
In the new documentary How To Make Money Selling Drug, Eminem delves deeper into having to regain motor and talking skills during recovery, his first time taking Valium and more.
How To Make Money Selling Drugs explores the many sides of the “war on drugs” with interviews from Woody Harrelson, The Wire producer David Simon, Arianna Huffington, 50 Cent and many others.
How To Make Money Selling Drugs is playing in select theaters.
PS: Thats Crazy man, so good that he has made the leap...deep shit, great personallity !!! I hope DMX can do the same with his addicted to drugs.
Damn just saw it now, post the same thread haha my mistake sry.
Yes me2 shit was really deep, the more respectable he did it, it takes a lot of strength for. I think we can understand him better now, after this whole drama in his life, he cant make the same music like back in the days...
great personality
Originally posted by Lunatic View PostDamn just saw it now, post the same thread haha my mistake sry.
Yes me2 shit was really deep, the more respectable he did it, it takes a lot of strength for. I think we can understand him better now, after this whole drama in his life, he cant make the same music like back in the days...
great personality
Opiates can quickly alter the brain chemistry .having struggled with opiate addiction myself,after many injuries to my body I know a lot about what he's talking about.unfortunately I didn't have the money or insurance to go to rehab and had to battle it alone.
Once addicted...depending on how long you're on opiates and how much you're taking it can take up to 8 years for the pain receptors (the things in your brain that quiver and ping the nerve endings,sending strange signals thoughout your body)to return to normal,and that is why the recovery rate for opiate addicts is so low.8 long years of PAWS(post acute withdrawal syndrome)is nothing to look forward to .
Anyone struggling with opiate addiction ,there is hope,and recovery is possible if you want it,but youve got to want it.
Anyone thinking about getting on yourself the agony and if you're in pain...take some aspirin instead.
These stars are lucky they have the money for treatment and still pay other bills so I don't have a lot of sympathy for them but respect to eminem for realizing he had a problem ."Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson
I've been addicted to pills (oxy, hydro, methadone) for a few years, there is a new product called "Suboxone" or "Subutex" that you can take, and even buy on the street sometimes. It helps you get off the opiodes drugs without having the withdrawls. It's the withdrawls that keep you on. Once you withdrawl, its can take several weeks of practically no energy, diarehaa, vomiting, etc. And the only way to feel "normal" and still go to work, is to keep taking the pills. Suboxone practically "cures" all those withdrawls and you feel GREAT! I'm on a month or so now, and the trick is, to do just keep 'dosing down" until your off completely. I've quit cigarettes, alcohol, everything else but this is one thing that's hard.
Originally posted by endofdayz View PostI've been addicted to pills (oxy, hydro, methadone) for a few years, there is a new product called "Suboxone" or "Subutex" that you can take, and even buy on the street sometimes. It helps you get off the opiodes drugs without having the withdrawls. It's the withdrawls that keep you on. Once you withdrawl, its can take several weeks of practically no energy, diarehaa, vomiting, etc. And the only way to feel "normal" and still go to work, is to keep taking the pills. Suboxone practically "cures" all those withdrawls and you feel GREAT! I'm on a month or so now, and the trick is, to do just keep 'dosing down" until your off completely. I've quit cigarettes, alcohol, everything else but this is one thing that's hard.Love Peace & Harmony
Subutex and suboxone really do help with withdrawal symptoms but don't be's still a fairly new drug that drs seem to think you can just stop whenever but I have found that the withdrawal from subs is as bad or worse than regular Oxys ,hydros ,etc...
When I quit the regular pills I was snorting 3 80mg oxycontin a day,still in a lot of pain,barely breathing and still wanting another 20-40mgs then I found subs and have stayed around a 2.5mg dose of suboxone for last four years and the withdrawal is horrid and lasts twice as long as oxy withdrawal because of the way it detaches from the best advice for anyone going on subs is to take a small amount as possible and lower the dose every other day...if you can get down to .5mg a day ,you should be able to stop taking it without feeling too sick.
There are many forums dedicated to suboxone treatment and some have schedules for weening yourself off.
I hear that suboxone is the most abused drug in Amsterdam right now.Last edited by jackcorgi; 06-30-2013, 03:13 PM."Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson
If only people could just stick to weed and liquor instead of that bullshit. My sister was heavily addicted to that shit for 7 years and she still relapses and gets fucked up every now and then. Seeing her go through that shit it was kept me from getting into it. It completley changes your personality and it turns people into complete assholes. Ive seen people addicted to all that shit and they cant stay awake. They'll be eating a meal and and their head will collapse into their food. Its sickening to see
Weed makes me tired and dumb, not able to think. Alcohol makes me a jerk and EVERY TIME my girlfriend and I drink we always fight, so we don't EVER drink anymore. I've seen people addicted to alcohol worse than my opiode addiction. And talk about how a drug changes someones personality, I've seen some guy become straight monsters when they drink, becoming all loud and wanting to fight and shit. I wouldn't say alcohol by far is any substitute for a opiode narcotic. Stoners, usually I see just laying around eating food, and sleeping. Usually they have very messy houses as it makes you very lazy. With opiodes, my girfriend and I, some of my roomates, etc will do a little bit on the weekend (morning), and 20 minutes later we're cleaning the house, doing laundry, playing music, socializing, and just "feeling good with energy". No I'm NOT saying that it is right. And the dose we take is very very little, not a huge heavily addict. When [MENTION=1274]jackcorgi said he used to do 3 oxy 80's a day, that knocked my socks off! I had one of those 80mg once, and it lasted almost a week, taking a 1/8 of one a day probably. When Eminem said he almost died, I can see why. I am addicted to opiodes, but a a very small level. I still consider it an addiction though. The 8mb subutex I take, is about 2mg a day. I am tapering off though, and hope after this next week or 2, I will be off completely. After that, I won't drink or get stoned, as I just don't like the effects. I'll probably stick with Red Bull or 5hr energy for an upper
moral of my story though, ANY addiction is not right, and I hope we can all overcome our addiction in time.Last edited by endofdayz; 06-30-2013, 05:51 PM.
subotex is a betablocker, it just blocks the signals that your mind in addiction needs, your mind can do that on its own tho lol, i know its hard, im constantly taking anti-inflammatory pills like ibuprofen and naxopren, I know I dont need em half the time but still get at like 4am take em through the day, habit of a lifetime i guessBlack eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn't even seem to be livin'... until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then... ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screaminWhere blood has been shed the tree of forgiveness cannot grow
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