Didnt know where to post this so here goes.

Dave Chappelle returned early Wednesday (July 15) during what he expected to be a small show, but drew thousands in downtown Portland square in Oregon.
According to the Associated Press, fans found out about the show last minute, via text messages, Twitter, and good ole word-of-mouth, and gathered downtown late Tuesday (July 14) and early Wednesday, waiting for the 35-year-old comedian to arrive.
At around 1 a.m., Chappelle showed up to literally thousands of fans wielding camera phones trying to snap a quick photo. However, there was a small problem, most of the fans couldn't even hear him, because there was just a small amplifier.
At one point during the appearance, Chappelle announced that someone was going to retrieve a better sound system, and would return in 20 minutes. But, the plan didn't pan out.
He reportedly showed up with no security or entourage, and said he expected 200 people to gather -- not the thousands that stood shoulder-to-shoulder, most showing up last minute.
At press time, it's unclear why Chappelle showed up to Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square.
"I'm not here for money," he told the crowd.
Dave Chappelle shot to fame in 2003 when his sketch comedy show on Comedy Central, "Chappelle's Show," became an instant hit. But, he then shocked everyone when he walked away from a $50 million deal and quit.
He later said the pressure and fame got to him.
According to the Associated Press, fans found out about the show last minute, via text messages, Twitter, and good ole word-of-mouth, and gathered downtown late Tuesday (July 14) and early Wednesday, waiting for the 35-year-old comedian to arrive.
At around 1 a.m., Chappelle showed up to literally thousands of fans wielding camera phones trying to snap a quick photo. However, there was a small problem, most of the fans couldn't even hear him, because there was just a small amplifier.
At one point during the appearance, Chappelle announced that someone was going to retrieve a better sound system, and would return in 20 minutes. But, the plan didn't pan out.
He reportedly showed up with no security or entourage, and said he expected 200 people to gather -- not the thousands that stood shoulder-to-shoulder, most showing up last minute.
At press time, it's unclear why Chappelle showed up to Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square.
"I'm not here for money," he told the crowd.
Dave Chappelle shot to fame in 2003 when his sketch comedy show on Comedy Central, "Chappelle's Show," became an instant hit. But, he then shocked everyone when he walked away from a $50 million deal and quit.
He later said the pressure and fame got to him.