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Kendrick Lamar interrupts white fan after she raps the N-word onstage

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  • Kendrick Lamar interrupts white fan after she raps the N-word onstage

    Kendrick Lamar was forced to step in after the white female fan he invited up on stage at a music festival dropped the N-word three times while rapping along to the star's song.

    Lamar, 30, was in the middle of his Sunday night set at the Hangout Music Festival in Alabama when he invited several lucky fans on stage to join him in performing his 2012 track "m.A.A.d city."

    After a concertgoer named Rohan "killed it," as one Twitter user said, and respectfully avoided rapping the racial slur, a young attendee named Delaney hopped on stage to join Lamar.

    Delaney skipped the word the first time it came up, but failed to censor herself on the second, third and fourth times, prompting an audible groan from the crowd.

    Lamar quickly cut the music, and repeatedly said, "Wait" after the third N-word left Delaney's mouth.

    "Am I not cool enough for you, what's up, bro?" she said, eliciting boos and foul language from the audience.

    "My boy Rohan kinda knew the rules a little bit," Lamar explained. "You gotta bleep one single word, though."

    Delaney quickly apologized and questioned whether she'd actually said the word - to which the Pulitzer Prize-winning rapper confirmed that, yes, she did.

    Lamar asked the crowd if he should give Delaney another shot and, despite the resounding boos, he did, after double-checking with her that the slip-up wouldn't happen again.

    Delaney did skip the word for the second go-round, but the rapper still opted to cut her time on stage short.

    A concertgoer who filmed the performance and shared it on Twitter explained that part of the reason the crowd was so angry was because Delaney had been "begging" to join Lamar on stage.

    "Kendrick asked her if she was sure and she said yes… so like… don't blame Kendrick. This girl just has no filter," the Twitter user wrote.

    The fan added that the vibe was "so off," and that the rapper followed up the encounter with his track, "B-tch, Don't Kill My Vibe."
    Last edited by jackcorgi; 05-22-2018, 04:21 PM.
    "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson

  • #2
    to me its one thing and out of line if a person says that word but if they are singing/rapping along to a song then it shouldnt be a big deal.

    IMO... if rappers dont want white people using that word,then maybe they themselves shouldnt be using the word either,if its going to be that big of an issue.
    after all the person is just singing along to a someones else words.

    the funniest part is that he goes on to sing "bitch,dont kill my vibe",lol
    to me that is very hypocritical and the woman should be very offended and sue him.
    just joking about the suing him part,lol.
    Last edited by jackcorgi; 05-22-2018, 04:22 PM.
    "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson


    • #3
      It should never be a big deal. If we can't say nigga, then other ppl shouldn't be able to say cracker, spic, chink, etc. And plz keep in mind, these ppl are saying nigga, not ******.

      "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
      If you were of the world, the world will love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world,
      but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

      -John 15:18-19

      "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
      -Revelation 1:18

      "They claim that I'm violent."
      -Tupac Shakur


      • #4
        This came to mind instantly... lol


        • #5
          Originally posted by 2psah View Post
          This came to mind instantly... lol

          "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
          If you were of the world, the world will love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world,
          but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

          -John 15:18-19

          "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
          -Revelation 1:18

          "They claim that I'm violent."
          -Tupac Shakur


          • #6
            This hypocritical attitude of blacks at the moment is starting to piss me off. Kendrick deserves all the hate he gets for humiliating one of his fans on stage. I never liked that squeaky sounding nigga

            nigganigganigganigganigganigga #fuckyoulammar
            Last edited by Dominator; 05-22-2018, 07:50 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dominator View Post
              This hypocritical attitude of blacks at the moment is starting to piss me off. Kendrick deserves all the hate he gets for humiliating one of his fans on stage. I never liked that squeaky sounding nigga

              nigganigganigganigganigganigga #fuckyoulammar
              the thing is that niggas got a chip on their shoulders for some shit that happened a long time ago.

              niggas have a problem with me sayin it, come see me nigga

              fuck Lamar that nappy head nigga


              • #8
                Kendrick should take Tyga's advice. He's a nigga with money. He don't need that bitch.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Husxle View Post
                  It should never be a big deal. If we can't say nigga, then other ppl shouldn't be able to say cracker, spic, chink, etc. And plz keep in mind, these ppl are saying nigga, not ******.
                  You know the word cracker comes from the white slave owner cracking the whip. Its not like we as white people have been dehumanized and demeaned with that word for over 400 years like black people have been. And even tho they changed the word with two letters it still sounds annoying when a ignorant white bitch who cant even rap the lyrics right of a Kendrick song throws it in.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                    You know the word cracker comes from the white slave owner cracking the whip. Its not like we as white people have been dehumanized and demeaned with that word for over 400 years like black people have been. And even tho they changed the word with two letters it still sounds annoying when a ignorant white bitch who cant even rap the lyrics right of a Kendrick song throws it in.
                    To begin, I was quite aware of where the word cracker came from.

                    So you're saying that its ok to refer to all white people as 'crackers' (or slave owners)? That's a bit racist don't you think? Many white ethnic groups had nothing to do with enslaving blacks, and some (such as the Irish) were subject to racism for 100s of years. We were 'uncivilised' (they said we were like monkeys) so foreigners came here, claimed our country, took our food and collected taxes. Millions died within years because they shipped all the food out (and then they called it a 'famine': it was a genocide). To refer to the whole Irish ethnic group (if we are to be regarded as one group) as 'slave owners' is a bit racist and ignorant to say the least (and I'm sure this would be the same for many other white groups).

                    Now, I don't know anything about this Kendrick concert or the girl apart from what I've read in this thread. I don't know where she is from (maybe she is a decedent of slave owners, idk) or anything about the song. Did she 'throw' the word in or is it in the lyrics? If she 'threw it in' like you say, I would agree that it is a bit odd. But if it was apart of the lyrics I'm going to have to agree with jackcorgi.
                    Last edited by Proletarian; 05-23-2018, 02:31 PM.
                    "The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas".


                    • #11
                      Kendrick can suck a nigga dick..

                      "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
                      If you were of the world, the world will love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world,
                      but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

                      -John 15:18-19

                      "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
                      -Revelation 1:18

                      "They claim that I'm violent."
                      -Tupac Shakur


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by daojin View Post
                        To begin, I was quite aware of where the word cracker came from.

                        So you're saying that its ok to refer to all white people as 'crackers' (or slave owners)? That's a bit racist don't you think? Many white ethnic groups had nothing to do with enslaving blacks, and some (such as the Irish) were subject to racism for 100s of years. We were 'uncivilised' (they said we were like monkeys) so foreigners came here, claimed our country, took our food and collected taxes. Millions died within years because they shipped all the food out (and then they called it a 'famine': it was a genocide). To refer to the whole Irish ethnic group (if we are to be regarded as one group) as 'slave owners' is a bit racist and ignorant to say the least (and I'm sure this would be the same for many other white groups).

                        Now, I don't know anything about this Kendrick concert or the girl apart from what I've read in this thread. I don't know where she is from (maybe she is a decedent of slave owners, idk) or the lyrics to the song. Did she 'throw' the word in or is it in the lyrics? If she 'threw it in' like you say, I would agree that it is a bit odd. But if it was apart of the lyrics I'm going to have to agree with jackcorgi.
                        heres the lyrics from the chorus...
                        ""Man down
                        Where you from, nigga?"
                        "Fuck who you know, where you from, my nigga?"
                        "Where your grandma stay, huh, my nigga?"
                        "This m.A.A.d city I run, my nigga"

                        like i say he has issue with her saying the word "nigga" even tho its lyrics to his own song but then he has no problems using a derogatory word directed at women ("B-tch, Don't Kill My Vibe.") ,and that to me says that he is just as wrong as he made this woman out to be and he probably doesnt even realize it,lol.
                        "Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face...." Mike Tyson


                        • #13
                          Kendrick was an asshole for doin that shit. He brought a White fan up on stage to sing a song that has the word nigga 4 times in the first 30 seconds. Did that shit on purpose fuck him


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jackcorgi View Post
                            heres the lyrics from the chorus...
                            ""Man down
                            Where you from, nigga?"
                            "Fuck who you know, where you from, my nigga?"
                            "Where your grandma stay, huh, my nigga?"
                            "This m.A.A.d city I run, my nigga"

                            like i say he has issue with her saying the word "nigga" even tho its lyrics to his own song but then he has no problems using a derogatory word directed at women ("B-tch, Don't Kill My Vibe.") ,and that to me says that he is just as wrong as he made this woman out to be and he probably doesnt even realize it,lol.
                            He is helping to reproduce inequalities between men and women and white and black (well spotted). Members of the ruling class that still have a 'slave owner' mentality (or that wish to 'divide and conquer') would be proud of him.
                            Last edited by Proletarian; 05-23-2018, 03:15 PM.
                            "The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas".


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daojin View Post
                              He is helping to reproduce inequalities between men and women and white and black (well spotted). Members of the ruling class that still have a 'slave owner' mentality (or that wish to 'divide and conquer') would be proud of him.

                              "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
                              If you were of the world, the world will love you as it's own; but because you are not of the world,
                              but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

                              -John 15:18-19

                              "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death."
                              -Revelation 1:18

                              "They claim that I'm violent."
                              -Tupac Shakur


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