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Diddy To Sarah Palin, "You Scare Me"

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  • Diddy To Sarah Palin, "You Scare Me"

    On the heels of the Vice Presidential debate,airing tonight at 9 p.m., hip-hop mogul Diddy continues to voice his opinion on the candidates, particularly Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin.

    On his latest video blog post, Diddy places himself in a dark room, under a blanket with a flashlight before cutting to a recent interview where Palin was asked by reporter Katie Couric what newspapers and magazines she regularly read prior to receiving the nomination. Unable to give a clear answer and saying "all of 'em and any of 'em that have been in front of me all these years," Diddy expressed his concern.

    "Boys and girls, boys and girls. Did you hear her," he asked the camera. "I'm scared. She scares me. She scares me. I'm hiding under the covers. She's worse than the boogeyman."

    Continuing to portray himself as a defenseless and worried citizen, Diddy details his fear.

    "Sarah Palin, you scare me. You could become the president of the United States," he added. "Did you hear the answer to that question? Did you hear? [Republican presidential nominee] John McCain is 72. Sarah Palin could be the president. Boys and girls vote. Please. Please, I beg you. I'm not coming out the covers."

    Making a final plea to all viewers, Diddy stressed the importance of making your voice heard this election.

    "You gotta vote on November 4th," he said. "You gotta get registered. You have to."

    As previously reported by SOHH, Diddy ironically applauded the Republican VP hopeful for her acceptance speech last month in St. Paul, Minnesota.

    "You gave a speech that, basically shut me the f*ck up for the whole time you were speaking," he said in a video blog. "I still don't know if I want you to be vice president, but you at least deserve the benefit of the doubt to see how you do on this campaign."

    Despite the election being over a month away, eligible voters may still register online at "Rock The Vote." The last day to register varies throughout the country.

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