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Eminem on the cover of XXL; talks about T.I., Lil Wayne & Proof

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  • Eminem on the cover of XXL; talks about T.I., Lil Wayne & Proof

    Remember when Eminem had beef with XXL Magazine? Then they were all on his nuts because he was beefing with Benzino who owned their competition mag The Source? Themz were the days right? Well Em is back on the cover of XXL and it hits newsstands May 5th, two weeks before his fifth solo album The Relapse hits record shelves and the internet (legally [it'll probably leak before the magazine hits the shelves]).

    The cover see's Em dressed up as Marvel Comic's character The Punisher and even features a Punisher/Eminem comic inside.

    Below is the cover and excerts from the XXL interview:

    On His Drug Addiction

    “I wasn’t really mentally. I wasn’t ready to give up drugs. I didn’t really think I had a problem. Basically, I went in, and I came out. I relapsed, and I spent the next three years struggling with it. Also, at that time, I felt like I wanted to pull back, because my drug problem had got so bad. I felt like, Maybe if I take a break, maybe this will help. I started to get into the producer role more…I can still be out there with my music, like with the Re-Up album, but I don’t have to be in the spotlight the whole time.”

    On Proof’s Death

    “Everyone felt his loss, from his kids, to his wife, to everyone. But, for some reason, in hindsight, the way I felt was almost like it happened to just me…Maybe at the time I was a little bit selfish with it. I think it kind of hit me so hard. It just blindsided me. I just went into such a dark place that, with everything, the drugs, my thoughts, everything. And the more drugs I consumed, and it was all depressants I was taking, the more depressed I became, the more self-loathing I became…By the way, I’m just now at the point where I’m better talking about it. It took me so long to get out of that place where I couldn’t even speak about it without crying or wanting to cry…Proof was the anchor. He was everything to D12. And not just the group-for me, personally, he was everything.”

    On T.I., Lil Wayne & Hip-Hop

    “I stayed up on the music, and obviously I watch TV and saw what was going on. And without naming any name, it just felt like hip-hop was going downhill. And it seemed like kinda fast. You know, in them three years, it was like everybody just cares about the hook and the beat; nobody really cares about substance. But with this new T.I. album, with this new Lil Wayne album of recent, it seems like things are looking a lot better now. You can appreciate Lil Wayne using different words to rhyme and actually rhyming words that you know. Or T.I., where you hear s**t and you’re like Whoa, ah, I wish I would have thought of that! You know what I mean? Or you hear all the compound-syllable rhyming and all that. It just seems like now the craft is getting cared about more.”


  • #2
    Nice up.

    Looks like he still is drugged up heavly, he goes on to say that lil wayne's shit is

    I don't expect his album to be any good , maybe decent, that's about it.


    • #3
      nice read thanks em in that cover looks like he is on drugs all skinny n shit


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