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Eminem's "Beautiful" Music Video Leaks Online, Captures Rapper's Hometown

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  • Eminem's "Beautiful" Music Video Leaks Online, Captures Rapper's Hometown

    Eminem's upcoming "Beautiful" music video has leaked online showing fans nearly two minutes of footage of the rapper in his hometown of Detroit.

    While fans are introduced to quick shots of Em around Detroit Tiger's Stadium, the full production is set to drop later this week.

    Eminem's music video for his new single "Beautiful" has been partially unveiled through a more than one minute clip. In one of the scenes, the rapper is seen singing the song at Detroit's Tiger Stadium, which is then captured being destroyed. The full-length video will be premiered on Friday (July 3). (Ace Showbiz)
    A full description of the forthcoming video landed online last week.

    The video was filmed at noted Detroit landmarks, now past their prime though in many ways now more iconic than ever. Through locations such as the once-grand Beaux-Arts train station (Michigan Central Station, which was built in 1913), the original Tiger Stadium (built in 1912), and the old Packard Motor Car Company plant (established in 1903), the viewer sees both Detroit's grand past and very real present, and Eminem finds in Detroit a new metaphor for the lyrical content of the song. (Rap Radar)
    Em also commented on why he decided to pay homage to his hometown team.

    "Tiger Stadium is being torn down, and the train station is supposed to be demolished too," he said in a statement. "This video is one of the last times anybody outside of Detroit is going to see them. I wrote 'Beautiful' when I was really down, during a difficult time struggling with my addiction. It's a reminder to keep your head up, and to see who you really are despite what you may be going through. Now that I've gotten through the toughest part, I see how the song relates to Detroit, and it feels even more powerful to me." (Rap Radar)
    The video will follow-up Relapse's "3 a.m." music video which premiered last May.

    Following his previous music video, "We Made You," the rapper's latest features Em's protagonist staying in-tune to the song's lyrics as he sits alone at night in the woods recalling a likely murder spree he took part in. Appearing shirtless and with bandages, his character slowly begins to remember how he got there thinking back to each victim he killed upon leaving the fictional rehab-based facility Popsomp Hills. All taking place at night, much like most horror films, Em's video uses dark settings to enhance the 'scary' factor while using massive amounts of blood and a before/after effect of how each victim was slain. Similar to his violent-based rhymes from The Marshall Mathers LP, Em's new video did not feature any main cameos unlike 50 Cent and Dr. Dre's presence in "We Made You." (SOHH)
    Both videos are from his comeback album which has sold over a million copies in just six weeks.

    Grammy-winning rapper Eminem's Relapse fell one slot to No. 5 with 47,200. Going into his seventh week in stores, Slim Shady's fifth solo disc stands at 1,168,800 sold copies. (SOHH Sales Wrap)
    Em's "Beautiful" music video is set to premiere Friday, July 3rd via Yahoo! Music

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