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NBA Playoffs 2011

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  • #46
    Lakers down by 20-some points.

    LOL GG L.A.
    A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
    & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
    & getting the benefits that go along with it
    Everythin that's out here for kings like us
    The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
    They don't understand is because we really from Africa
    & that's where all this stuff come from
    & we originated from kings


    • #47


      • #48

        what a series..fuck odom and bynum with their cheap shots..36 point blowout
        Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


        • #49
          I think the two flagrant 2's were funny, but anyways great sweep and win for the Mavs. Miami all the way now. D-wade


          • #50
            Originally posted by Q.q. Shakur View Post
            I think the two flagrant 2's were funny
            its actually very sad that the defending champs have to resort to those kind of tactics..
            Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


            • #51
              I'm especially disappointed with Lamar and Bynum with those fouls. Not only did those fouls display poor character, they were basically giving Phil Jackson the middle finger with those fouls. Kobe was the only person who showed up at this game, but we all know it takes a team to win a game, and Dallas was able to do what L.A. struggled to do in this 4 game sweep: Operate as a team. The Mavs truly deserved mopping the floor with the Lakers, as L.A. showed that they obviously weren't focused enough to pull a 3-peat.

              It's a shame Phil Jackson's career had to end like this. He'll be revered as one of the greatest coaches in sports history, but the Lakers didn't even attempt to comeback. Words cannot describe how disgusted I am at them right now.

              Congrats to Mavs, I'll be rooting for you guys if you make to the NBA finals.
              A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
              & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
              & getting the benefits that go along with it
              Everythin that's out here for kings like us
              The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
              They don't understand is because we really from Africa
              & that's where all this stuff come from
              & we originated from kings


              • #52
                This is the beginning of the end for the lakers thats for sure. I'm rooting for the Celtics and bulls! The only reason i want the celtics to win is because this is probably their last chance in a long time because of miami!


                • #53
                  When your so used to winning, getting swept is extremely frustrating.
                  Only the Strong Survive


                  • #54
                    What a pathetic end to the Lakers' season and to Phil Jackson's career. This was a complete embarrassment. All the problems the Lakers had this season came to ahead this series. When the bench outscores the whole team in the 1st half, you know something's wrong. Even more embarrassing is them giving up 20 3's. Their chemistry was completely out of synch and it looked like they were lost out there. On top of that, Odom and Bynum had to lose their tempers and make bone headed plays. Unbelievable. I give credit to the Mavs. They came to play today and were the better team. The Lakers just didn't bother to show up. This loss is gonna take a while to set in. Right now, I feel disgusted and disappointed that this is how Phil gonna end his career. He deserved better than this. Oh well, there's always next year. I feel the Lakers will be back. It may take a while, but I have faith they can come back.

                    Thank you Phil for all the great memories you provided. Just wish that you had a better ending than this.


                    • #55
                      hopefully people will stop comparing kobe to mj. No matter what, Jordan never got swept, kobe is a legend but wont leave his mark the way jordan did.


                      • #56
                        I laugh at you laker fans, I really do, you know that song by Snoop? Purp & Yellow? yeah I made my own version, it go "Ah...Ah...Blue & White"

                        Originally posted by Flintheart_Glomgold
                        Calm down. This doesnt affect your life. Get over it. Its ancient history and the only thing thats certain is that you dont have all the facts. Even if you did, try to occupy your time with something more wholesome.


                        • #57

                          and guess what? Look who's happy

                          Last edited by immortal-outlaw; 05-11-2011, 03:37 AM.
                          Only the Strong Survive


                          • #58
                            heat is gonna take it all, motherfuckin bastardz lol


                            • #59
                              Kobe's no MJ, but c'mon guys, dude's a legend regardless.

                              Also, Heat win tonight! Thought the series would be longer though :/
                              A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
                              & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
                              & getting the benefits that go along with it
                              Everythin that's out here for kings like us
                              The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
                              They don't understand is because we really from Africa
                              & that's where all this stuff come from
                              & we originated from kings


                              • #60
                                OKC/Memphis series is takin is barely 2-2..i want dallas to play someone already..
                                Saul "Canelo" Alvarez


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