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Who will win the nba championship 2012??

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  • #91
    Originally posted by thuggincold View Post
    lmao wtf who cares thats old news old series lakers got smashed fuck lakers lol
    Guy, I get it. From most of the posts in this section I can tell you don't like the Lakers. But quit it already, they lost and that's it. It's over with. You don't need to reiterate that in every other post. We all saw them get their ass handed to them a couple weeks back.

    That part of my post was just a little observation as that incident was what popped in my head when Harden bumped Jackson. Replying with "Fuck Lakers" doesn't add anything to the conversation. Don't like the Lakers? Good for you.


    • #92
      Originally posted by LabelMeAnOutlaw View Post
      Guy, I get it. From most of the posts in this section I can tell you don't like the Lakers. But quit it already, they lost and that's it. It's over with. You don't need to reiterate that in every other post. We all saw them get their ass handed to them a couple weeks back.

      That part of my post was just a little observation as that incident was what popped in my head when Harden bumped Jackson. Replying with "Fuck Lakers" doesn't add anything to the conversation. Don't like the Lakers? Good for you.
      lol chill out why u care if i say fuck lakers, i mean kobe chocked in game 2 and 4, but harden did give a bump to jack, but so wat some player do dat to send a message, they did it to the heat pacers series, but all artest had to do is push harden out of the way, but he went over the top wit raising the elbow and jackin hardens head, dats dangerous dat part of the arm, thank God if was not worse for harden. Now we wont know really fo sure, if harden wanted to get in rons way or not, or just harden wantin to get the ball.

      Who knows who cares the fact every1 agreed on tv espn tnt etc dat artest went too far, i mean ron is known for loosing his mind and the palace and throwing players to the floor, harden is not where near the level of dirty like ron metta war lol
      Last edited by nba2k13; 06-01-2012, 09:47 PM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by thuggincold View Post
        lol why cause they beat lakers?
        no, because they stole my team, the sonics.


        • #94
          What I'm saying is, get over it already. We all witnessed the Lakers get beat. Let. It. Go.

          Just as the Artest/Harden thing is "old news", the same can be said for the Lakers getting beat. It's done and over with already.

          As for the Artest thing, was it too far? Sure. But was Harden completely innocent in that situation? No. And like I already said, it was what popped into my mind when Harden bumped Jackson (and I know I'm not the only one). If you want to continue with "Lakers choked" & "Fuck Lakers", we really have nothing else to talk about. It's that simple.


          • #95
            lol but i thought the harden thing was not a big deal, is a tiny bump, is not dat bad, i guess is annoying for the opponent but is not dirty is soft bump


            • #96
              Originally posted by LabelMeAnOutlaw View Post
              That young energy overwhelmed the hell out of San Antonio last night. Good for them.

              There was something very interesting that happened during the game that told me Harden was asking for that elbow from Artest late in the season. The guy just proved himself to be an instigator. Bumping into Stephen Jackson like that wasn't a smart move. Jackson is another Artest, that's not the one Harden wants to fuck with. He's just lucky there's too much at stake to strike back at this time in the year. But it won't be forgotten. Harden pretty much proved that he was intentionally going into Artest's space to stop that dunk celebration. He showed the type of punk he is.

              Other than that, as for the game itself, I didn't see that blowout coming. Thunder do feed off their crowd more than most other NBA teams (it's almost like a college game atmosphere) but I didn't think it'd be that bad. Spurs will bounce back though. They didn't win 20 in a row on a whim.
              Yup, Steven Jackson is another player who was in The Fight at The Palace so trying to make a scene isn't a good idea. I still feel that MWP's elbow was intentional. While Harden is known for flopping, I've never seen anyone celebrate a dunk by throwing their elbows that high. That's just my opinion.

              I wasn't expecting a blowout either. It may be my false hopes kicking in, but it seems like the offense has found a way to slow down Parker's damage through Thabo. Dude was a major contributor in the offensive and defensive ends. Popovich is a good coach so I can see some things being changed around. Games 5 and 6 are gonna be the real test to how the rest of the series is gonna play out.

              Boston also won last night. I didn't see the entire game, but there were instances in which Boston clearly fouled (Lebron on the fast break being the one that stuck out to me) and didn't get the call at all. Celtic fans have no right to complain about no calls when they were getting that home cooking yesterday. FT's were pretty bad on Miami's end too. If Lebron had made his FT's we would've had 20 points by the end of the quarter. Heck, if the entire Miami team made most of their FT's the game would've been a lot tighter. And people say FT's aren't that big of a deal in basketball games lmao.

              Also for Laker fans, I heard that Mike Brown and Bynum may be coming back next season. Odom wants back in LA too (which I'm hoping for, while he had a terrible season in Dallas, I'm sure Laker fans remember how good he was when he was back in LA). That roster needs some major adjustments if Kobe wants a playoff run.
              A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
              & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
              & getting the benefits that go along with it
              Everythin that's out here for kings like us
              The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
              They don't understand is because we really from Africa
              & that's where all this stuff come from
              & we originated from kings


              • #97
                Durant just played a monster 4th quarter maahhh lawwwwd. Ibaka had a perfect 11 for 11 too! Looks like we got a series now.
                A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
                & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
                & getting the benefits that go along with it
                Everythin that's out here for kings like us
                The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
                They don't understand is because we really from Africa
                & that's where all this stuff come from
                & we originated from kings


                • #98
                  Didn't think I'd have to say it, but San Antonio is lucky they have home court advantage. Looks like they're going to need it.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by LabelMeAnOutlaw View Post
                    Didn't think I'd have to say it, but San Antonio is lucky they have home court advantage. Looks like they're going to need it.
                    dont be prisoner of the moment, is not about spurs are lucky or not they both had the best 2 records in the nba, i knew if would be a tough series, but yes home court does help but is no guarantee, they both can win on the road and damn ibaka was a monster, he looked like a supersta out there, he got potential of bein an allstar, he athletic can jump out the building and his jum shot has improved, thunder r team of the future.

                    But i dont expect ibaka n perkins to play like dat the rest of the series, hope is a 7 games series and i hope celts kick lebrons ass later tonight and damn parker has vanished


                    • Lmao @ "prisoner of the moment". That term should only refer to the idiots that go into panic mode when the Heat lose 1 game and claim that Lebron & Wade can't play with one another and they need to break up their "big 3".

                      As for Spurs/Thunder, neither of these teams are beating the other on their opponent's court. If I'm not mistaken, the Spurs beat the Thunder 10 out of the last 11 times in San Antonio. This shit is now going 7.

                      Stats they've thrown out there, the team up 2-0 in a best of 7 (2-2-1-1-1 format) wins the series 94% of the time. Will the Thunder and/or Celtics be that 6%? I doubt it. Chances are we're going to have a Heat/Spurs finals. But that's just going on history. At the end of the day, anything can happen.


                      • The Heat are a joke. I've seen that movie too many times. They're great at "almost comebacks". They rarely ever complete it. Idiots dug themselves into that hole, they got what they deserved. Take the L and cry your ass all the way back to Miami. Nobody having sympathy for that bullshit. Wade coming alive in the 2nd half (sleepwalking the entire 1st half) for the 3rd straight game. Not going to cut it. Boston fans almost had a heart attack almost giving up that huge blowout lead. Just as the Heat slipped away in game 2, Celtics just did in game 4. Now it's a best of 3 like the West. Shit, can somebody win on their opponent's court already? Let me not even get into that beautiful refereeing of that game. What a joke. But like I said, Heat got what they deserved. Came out like a bunch of slugs. No desperation whatsoever shown. The league is loving this though, both series should go to game 7's. More basketball is always good, right?


                        • I can't believe it's gonna be a best of 7 on both ends...

                          Originally posted by LabelMeAnOutlaw View Post
                          The Heat are a joke. I've seen that movie too many times. They're great at "almost comebacks". They rarely ever complete it. Idiots dug themselves into that hole, they got what they deserved. Take the L and cry your ass all the way back to Miami. Nobody having sympathy for that bullshit. Wade coming alive in the 2nd half (sleepwalking the entire 1st half) for the 3rd straight game. Not going to cut it. Boston fans almost had a heart attack almost giving up that huge blowout lead. Just as the Heat slipped away in game 2, Celtics just did in game 4. Now it's a best of 3 like the West. Shit, can somebody win on their opponent's court already? Let me not even get into that beautiful refereeing of that game. What a joke. But like I said, Heat got what they deserved. Came out like a bunch of slugs. No desperation whatsoever shown. The league is loving this though, both series should go to game 7's. More basketball is always good, right?
                          Heat frustrating me too. Lebron made that clutch 3, so naturally give him the final shot right? lol NOPE pass it to Haslem who was clearly being dogged by Garnett. That's what frustrates me about Lebron. No mental toughness whatsoever. He could easily be one of the best basketball players to ever play in the league and he insists on passing the torch to the role players instead of taking over himself. Kevin Durant last night was CLUTCH in the 4th quarter, hitting key shots.

                          Man, I thought Heat could win it in 5. But right now I don't even know... it honestly looks like we're gonna see someone in the west vs. The Celtics at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if coach Spo lost his job if they lose this series, he's been incompetent.
                          A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
                          & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
                          & getting the benefits that go along with it
                          Everythin that's out here for kings like us
                          The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
                          They don't understand is because we really from Africa
                          & that's where all this stuff come from
                          & we originated from kings


                          • The 1 and only thing I can say about the Heat is that when their backs are against the wall, they usually come through (unless we're talking about the 2011 NBA Finals, lol). Game 5 is a must win. They lose the next game, they lose the series (who legitimately saw/sees that coming?). Something that should be interesting is Bosh's status. Will he be there for either Game 5 or 6? Should shake things up a bit. Negative/positive influence on which team remains to be seen. As for the West, I still don't see either side winning on the opponent's court. The Thunder have played well, but at times it seems like they need that home crowd energy to dominate. I think both Game 7's will be interesting though. I guess I can't complain too much, the longer the NBA season extends, the better.


                            • Originally posted by LabelMeAnOutlaw View Post
                              The Heat are a joke. I've seen that movie too many times. They're great at "almost comebacks". They rarely ever complete it. Idiots dug themselves into that hole, they got what they deserved. Take the L and cry your ass all the way back to Miami. Nobody having sympathy for that bullshit. Wade coming alive in the 2nd half (sleepwalking the entire 1st half) for the 3rd straight game. Not going to cut it. Boston fans almost had a heart attack almost giving up that huge blowout lead. Just as the Heat slipped away in game 2, Celtics just did in game 4. Now it's a best of 3 like the West. Shit, can somebody win on their opponent's court already? Let me not even get into that beautiful refereeing of that game. What a joke. But like I said, Heat got what they deserved. Came out like a bunch of slugs. No desperation whatsoever shown. The league is loving this though, both series should go to game 7's. More basketball is always good, right?
                              wtf is wrong buddy take a chill pill,mr angry guy, if u complaining so much then why u even watchin, u sound so negative, shit im enjoying these 2 series, shit of course the refs made bad calls, but if balances out, they miss a call, then the other team gets a call later to their advantage, shit they r humans and they miss call, wit the speed of todays game its hard to call some of these, yes theres things i dislike when players be flopping but for the most part the refs doin a good job, and shit i hope theres 7 game series dats dope, is not like we get 7 game series every yr in the playoffs.

                              Fuck these conspiracy theories and yes heat can close sometimes, they blow leads, but they aint got bosh, so they playin bad & its always when a team got a 2 -0 lead the other team whos down plays wit desperation in the other games, is human nature to led down after u up 2-0, so u saw wit boston and thunder in game 3 and 4, plus role players play better at home, the crowd the family surrounding, etc, i dont know if u are mad cause ur team is not in the conference finals or wat, but u sayin everythin negative & complaining about this n dat, if u hate it or u not rooting for any team, then ignore watchin it, i will still watch it and tonights game was real good lots of drama go nba
                              Last edited by nba2k13; 06-04-2012, 05:46 AM.


                              • Damn lebron cant close a game eva lol, he aint got the clutch gene, shit he needs clutch classes from durant this offseason, good to see ray allen play better he looked healthier out there jumpin higher

                                man cant wait for game 5, parker better play better, he has vanished in okc, i guess tabo has him on lockdown, & manu gotta bring it too, westbrook has not had a great game yet in this series, i expect him to have a great game & theres rumors bosh might come back, i dont know if he will be ready or out of sink
                                Last edited by nba2k13; 06-04-2012, 06:05 AM.


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