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Hilarious Stephen A. Smith Impersonation On Saturday Night Live

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  • Hilarious Stephen A. Smith Impersonation On Saturday Night Live

    I was going to post this in the comedy section, but this is more for the basketball heads. This dude is on point with this, had me dying.

  • #2
    Check out Stephen A. Smith's reaction.

    The people that watch this guy regularly on ESPN (specifically on First Take) know that Jay Pharoah got Stephen A. Smith's persona down to a T.

    Next up to be mocked needs to be Skip Bayless.


    • #3
      ive been watching this on espn for the last 2 days.. its been great.. and he does a great job.... now all someone has to do is some skip bayless impressions and we good...


      • #4
        "I wouldn't wear that tie or that shirt."

        :/ Guy did a great impersonation.
        A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
        & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
        & getting the benefits that go along with it
        Everythin that's out here for kings like us
        The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
        They don't understand is because we really from Africa
        & that's where all this stuff come from
        & we originated from kings


        • #5
          It seems that NBC is blocking these videos on YouTube. Check it out in full here:

          That clip from ESPN edited out the funniest parts of the full video.

          Edit: More reaction (from First Take along with Skip Bayless).

          I really hope Skip is next, shouldn't be too hard with all his LeBron James hate & Tim Tebow love.
          Last edited by LabelMeAnOutlaw; 05-23-2012, 08:34 AM.


          • #6
            i dont know if skip really believes all the shit he says or its just hype and lies so the show gets ratings


            • #7
              Jay Pharoah on First Take with Stephen A. Smith & Skip Bayless


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