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Jeff Ross 'Batman' Massacre Joke CUT from 'Roast'

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  • Jeff Ross 'Batman' Massacre Joke CUT from 'Roast'

    Comedy Central is censoring Jeff Ross ... refusing to air the jokes he made about the "Dark Knight Rises" massacre during this weekend's taping of the "Comedy Central Roast of Roseanne."

    Ross -- who came to the event dressed like Joe Paterno, accompanied by two young topless boys -- has been under fire for cracking the following zinger, directed at Seth Green:

    “Seth, congratulations. This is actually a great night for you ... you haven’t gotten this much attention since you shot all those people in Aurora. ... I’m kidding. You are not like James Holmes. At least he did something in a movie theater that people remember!”

    After the taping, one of the producers announced that the joke would be cut from the August 12 broadcast.

    Ross later admitted he crossed the line -- but told NBC News, "That is what Roasts are about."

    What a fuckin idiot like really this is what roasts are about he says? no fool there about roasting the person not bringing up things that have totally nothing to do with it.

  • #2
    People need to lighten the fuck up with this shit. The joke is hilarious.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BigR View Post
      People need to lighten the fuck up with this shit. The joke is hilarious.
      You must have an awkward way of thinking then cause making jokes about massacre where even a little kid was killed is very far from hilarious.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BigR View Post
        People need to lighten the fuck up with this shit. The joke is hilarious.
        yeh im sure the parents of the child who was killed would love to hear this one -_-


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