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Calista Flockhart To Star in SUPERGIRL TV Series

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  • Calista Flockhart To Star in SUPERGIRL TV Series

    The cast of the CBS series Supergirl continues to grow. THR reports that Calista Flockhart, who rose to fame playing the title character on Ally McBeal in the late '90s and early 2000s, will play DC Comics character Cat Grant on the new procedural show opposite Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. Here are some details about the show's take on her character:

    In CBS' incarnation, Cat is the self-made media magnate and founder of CatCo. Cat started her career as a reporter and has built her company into a global powerhouse.

    I always remembered Cat Grant being more of a gossip columnist than a media magnate in the comics, and she came off as very sexual on the live-action Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, but I guess this is a new direction they're going with this adaptation. Kara Danvers (aka Kara Zor-El/Supergirl) will serve as Cat Grant's assistant in the series, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Devil Wears Prada-type of vibe to their relationship, at least as the series begins.

    What do you think about Flockhart's return to TV?
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