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Best game console on the market

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  • Best game console on the market

    Is it the PS3 or the Xbox 360.

    I had a 360 about 2 years ago, then stopped playing after i got into world of warcraft hardcore now im wanting to get a console, something to do, plus i love good games.
    Is it to late in the game to invest in a 360, the PS3 looks damn good, finally has a decent catalog of games now, and the blu ray player is a major plus in my book. Suggestions?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Makaveli View Post
    Is it the PS3 or the Xbox 360.

    I had a 360 about 2 years ago, then stopped playing after i got into world of warcraft hardcore now im wanting to get a console, something to do, plus i love good games.
    Is it to late in the game to invest in a 360, the PS3 looks damn good, finally has a decent catalog of games now, and the blu ray player is a major plus in my book. Suggestions?
    Good choice..WOW is for n00bs.
    xbox 360 > PS3

    Buy these 2 games for xbox and you will be happy for the rest of your life
    Carl On Duty: Black Cops
    Left 4 Dead 2


    • #3
      I'd go for the PS3. Both systems have a lot of the same games, but Xbox makes you pay for online. I don't know anyone that owns an Xbox. They usually own a Wii or PS3 or both.


      • #4
        Go read my rant in the thread I created... "Fuckin' PS3" a few weeks back for the full thing, but In a nut shell which is better depends on what you want your console to do, and the types of games you play.

        Buy an Xbox 360 if: You want a true Gamers Machine. "Yeah but he has to pay for xbox live" Big fuckin' deal... it's $40 a year if you buy a year off of Amazon and you get an INFINITELY smoother, more stable, and more robust online package. This is a very VERY big deal if you play multiplayer games. I honestly don't play much Multiplayer anymore and yet its OBVIOUSLY apparent just how much better the 360 is over the ps3 in this regard. Download times and system updates are significantly better on the Xbox 360 as well. The Xbox is the Gamers machine, with a few other things it can do besides game... (Netflix, media server, DVD's etc.)

        Buy a PS3 if: You want an AMAZING all around multi-media center. The ps3 is still arguably the best Blu ray player on the market, and it's Media Server capabilities are second to none. However as a games machine? It's so-so. It's blatantly apparent where Sony's priorities laid this generation. The ps3 was nothing more then a Blu Ray promotional machine, and guess what? it worked. That's not to say the ps3 is a bad gaming machine, it's not. However many features are tacked on clumsily and are just dumb in their implementation. Playstation Move? Hey thanks for a more expensive Wii copy. Trophies? Way to half ass that one sony. Cross game chat? Nope sorry. Download speeds even remotely close to that of XBL? Hahahahahah nope. If you plan to watch Blu Rays as much/more then you will game then get a PS3, other wise go buy an xbox 360.

        and just to be fair...

        Buy a Wii if: You're 10 years old or have legally been declared retarded. (I actually work with kids/adults that are legally retarded, and only the worst of the bunch actually prefer the wii... LOL I've helped several sell there wii's to buy xbox 360's)

        This is honestly an unbiased view... PS fan boys are going to argue, but fact are facts. For what it's worth I own 2 Xbox 360's, and 2 PS3's (as well as a Wii and 20 other consoles from years past) So I have a very unbiased view. (I can provide photos as proof if need be). The other item to consider is the types of exclusives you like... Halo, Mass effect, Gears of War, Fable vs Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, God of War. Also, if you have a preference on the controller... personally I ate the playstation controller. It's cheaply made, does not have a removable battery, has poor button placement, mushy triggers, and is just an old outdated design. There's a reason the xbox 360 controller won design awards.

        I currently own 170+ Xbox 360 games, and only 10 ps3 games (all exclusives). However I own nearly 300 Blu Rays and have a large portion of my music collection as well as some videos on my media server, so all in all both systems see close to equal use, although for 2 very different reasons. No one can argue that the XBox 360 isn't the core gaming machine this generation... that is a proven fact... if you like games, and thats all you really plan to do then you need a 360. However if you plan to do anything other then game, then it's worth strongly considering a ps3. Hell the fact that the ps3 has a web browser that allows me to watch streaming porn is a pretty damn good reason in itself.


        • #5
          a lot of good games are coming out on the xbox, not sure about the ps3
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          • #6
            many games, but for me its Heavy Rain on PS3


            • #7
              For me the ps3 have so much better games.

              God of war, uncharted, socom, infamous, little big planet(great 4 your kids), killzone, metal gear solid and alot more. In my opinion alot more and better exclusives are comming out in the future for ps3.

              That the xbox is the gamersmachine is pure bullshit. sony is putting out stuff for hardcore gamers, and is focussing more at the hardcore gamer atm. When seeing the e3 this year, shows microsoft is focussing on the mainstream gamers, nearly whole presentation was abour kinect.

              Plus you can do more with the ps3 then onlt gaming. Blue ray, Browsing, make ur ps3 a media server.

              Plus xbox online costs money, and its not really better. Have both consoles an battlefield bad company Mw2 and fifa have exact the same problems.

              [MENTION=805]Ruckus, you dumbass. He need to buy a 360 cause of black ops lol. Thats a multiplatform game.


              • #8
                I'd recommend the Xbox 360 due to its stability in the last few years. The Wii is now dead. Little to none new games are coming out for the Wii. However the Wii is the easiest thing in the world to hack. I have mine connected to a 200GB HDD full of games. Lots of fun to be had with the Wii. The only problem I have seen with the Wii is that online is total crap. They really need to revise this for their Wii U. The 360 has a superb online system and you expect that from paying annually for it. I would only get a playstation if you want the exclusives and a sweet blu ray player.
                Death Row Records Samples List


                • #9
                  360 has better games, however ps3 as an "overall console" is far superior


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the responses guys, still debating on what to go for...I did have xbox live when I had mine, and it was fun...will have to ponder on it a bit.
                    Even back then I was aware that the 360 had many more games, and many being superior than what was on the ps3.


                    • #11
                      Think I have been talked into going with xbox 360 because im going strictly for the gaming.
                      Last edited by brad; 08-11-2011, 01:58 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Makaveli View Post
                        Think I have been talked into going with xbox 360 because im going strictly for the gaming.
                        That is really a nonesense argument lol.

                        Both console are full gaming consoles. Maybe you like the xbox exclusives more, but the argument that the xbox is more a gaming console is so shit lol.

                        saying you like the xbox exclusives more is a good argument, but chosing the xbox cause u think thats a more gaming console just make me lol.


                        • #13
                          yall r some bustas! real ogs play on pcs lol jk

                          Buy PS3 if u want a media center... Blu Ray, DVD, Movies all that bullshit and Games... the best of both worlds oh n don't forget most exclusives people... Uncharted the best game alive for me

                          Buy Xbox 360 if u don't give a shit for a Blu Ray player (who needs it?) i have a 360 no live though i don't play games lol just watch movies on it

                          hope my post helped


                          • #14
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