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Is This the Star of Assassin’s Creed III?

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  • Is This the Star of Assassin’s Creed III?

    Well, this is interesting. A Best Buy worker just emailed Kotaku two images snapped from their employee news section. One shows that Ubisoft will be unveiling Assassin's Creed III on March 5, and that there will be pre-order bonuses to be had.

    The other is a shot of what they say is the game's promotional art. Featuring what may well be Assassin's Creed III's star.

    If this is legitimate, and remember, this is completely unconfirmed, it appears that the chatter placing the third game in the series in the American Revolution is spot-on. In the background is the original Continental flag, the Assassin is wearing an 18th-century military jacket and from his weaponry, jewellery and resemblance to actor Wes Studi he appears to be Native American. Especially when you consider that our source tells us that, out of shot, the Assassin is also carrying a tomahawk.

    Also What’s The Future of Assassin’s Creed Have to Do With Snow?

    The Assassin's Creed Facebook page shifted over to the "timeline" display today, choosing that mysterious snowy image for its panorama.

    On cue, Ubisoft's page managers followed up with a comment that "a major announcement from Assassin's Creed is only days away," yet also advising folks to check the official Assassin's Creed site tomorrow.

    Don't believe for a second that image isn't deliberate. Now, as for what snow has to do with Assassin's Creed III, who can tell. But some good old-fashioned rumor and speculation has this set in the New World—i.e. America, likely around the time of the American Revolution. For decades schoolchildren have read of the Continental Army suffering in the cold at Valley Forge, and Gen. Washington crossing the icy Delaware River.

    Notably, this image is liked by one "Julian Auditore," whose official Facebook page is here and shares the same image. Julian Auditore also has an Arabic notation beside his name, which translates to "I am not a bird." Of course, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, whose first name means "bird," is the original protagonist of the series and the ancestor of Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, who starred from Assassin's Creed II to present.

    More details are supposed to come tomorrow on the series' official Web site. If it's not the announcement itself, that makes this post the head-asplode cocktail of an announcement of an announcement of an announcement, which would be a new meta record.

    All we've heard for certain is that the game will be out. Oct. 30 and will feature a new protagonist, retiring Ezio.
    Last edited by GreenL420; 03-01-2012, 01:45 AM.

  • #2
    That looks sick revolutionary America would be cool. I'm getting tired of Europe ( no offense.)


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