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Poll : Who Do You Think Won E3 This Year?

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  • Poll : Who Do You Think Won E3 This Year?

    Cast your vote and discuss who you think pulled off the best E3 conference this year.

    My vote will go for xbox360 as im a fan of the console and they had alot of titles that i would like to play this year although i'll admit there conference wasn't that spectacular but neither was sony's or nintendo's.
    Last edited by GreenL420; 06-05-2012, 11:47 PM.

  • #3
    i cant even vote. im still in shock over the disastorous fail that was nintendos conference


    • #4
      Originally posted by root View Post
      i cant even vote. im still in shock over the disastorous fail that was nintendos conference
      I still never watched nintendo's but by your description awhile ago i knew it wasn't good


      • #5
        No matter your choice of console, I'd say the consumer won. These conferences used to be exciting in years past, they're pretty dull now. It'll probably be good again once Microsoft & Sony announce their next-gen hardware.


        • #6

          God Of War 4 & The Last Of Us FTW

          I knew the Ni No Kuni will hit the countries outside Japan but this is one of the best exclusive games of the PS3 ...a shame it take 1 year to translate the whole game
          My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
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          • #7
            Microsoft With It's Great New Apps and Features Plus All the Exclusive DLC's For Tomb Raider and Call Of Duty Plus
            Voice Control Thing the Live Sports With ESPN, The Movies, Tv and New Xbox Music Library with over 30 million to choose from Face It Xbox Wooped EVERYONE'S ass this Year Xbox and Microsoft Are UNTOUCHABLE!


            • #8
              Originally posted by James Bond View Post
              Microsoft With It's Great New Apps and Features Plus All the Exclusive DLC's For Tomb Raider and Call Of Duty Plus
              Voice Control Thing the Live Sports With ESPN, The Movies, Tv and New Xbox Music Library with over 30 million to choose from Face It Xbox Wooped EVERYONE'S ass this Year Xbox and Microsoft Are UNTOUCHABLE!
              Um everything you just said is the reason ms fails at e3 every year.

              I buy a video game console to play games. Everyone already has their computers and tvs that do all this stuff and have all the apps. I don't need nor want it for my video game console. Why have my xbox and tv on when I can just have my tv and do the same shit??

              The smart glass shit is another gimmick that again has nothing to do with the games on my console.

              Exclusive dlc are you serious? So it comes to xbox a few weeks early...yay!

              Xbox always shows off lackluster games and relies on the next COD, the next halo and their goofy apps that are best left on phones tablets and pcs instead of gaming consoles

              Sent from my BlackBerry 9930 using Tapatalk


              • #9
                All three were not that good, nintendo's one was really garbage.

                But this year Sony had more games I would love to play like GOW, Beyond en ofcourse The last Of Us. That last game blowed everything else from Microsoft and nintendo away this year.


                • #10
                  yeah, "The Last Of Us" will be dope
                  My 2PAC Collection | Status: 09/27/2018
                  Vinyls: 60
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                  • #11
                    I didn't really pay any attention to E3... I really wanted to hear what Nintendo had to offer for 2012 onward, but as far as I know they didn't even tell the specs, the price or a release date! Super Mario Bros. for the Wii U also looks pretty underwhelming.

                    I would say this was a pretty bad E3 all in all, with Nintendo's conference being the worst of the 3.
                    A lil over a year ago I was in bondage
                    & now I'm back out here reaping the blessings
                    & getting the benefits that go along with it
                    Everythin that's out here for kings like us
                    The reason why we like this this jewelry & this diamonds & stuff
                    They don't understand is because we really from Africa
                    & that's where all this stuff come from
                    & we originated from kings


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